Request for Whitepaper Form

Mobile traffic is ever-increasing. If you decide to produce your white paper as a PDF , you risk excluding this vast segment of your audience.

It's a design mistake that will cost you views and conversions. See examples of responsive white papers.

Because in-depth white papers contain lots of text and visuals, as well as supplementary information like footnotes, figures, logos and copyright info, the danger is that your design becomes cluttered.

Clutter accumulates before you realize it. You may choose a clean layout and color scheme, to begin with, but as you continue to add content, things can get crowded. Often, you must make tough choices about what not to include to strike the right balance between completeness and readability.

Good design makes bold choices and prioritizes important information. These choices and priorities affect layout, placement, color, font size, page order and more. Use these design elements to create emphasis on vital pieces of information.

But be careful. Bold fonts and color schemes are in. Of course, all that might change tomorrow. But still, a great way to get inspiration when you're just starting is to take a look at what design trends are currently popular.

U2's frontman, Bono, sings "every artist is a cannibal, every poet is a thief. Good designers are always drawing inspiration from other designers. The best way to create a successful design is to spend a lot of time looking at what others are doing successfully.

Use Evernote , or a bookmarking service to save white papers and other exceptional designs that you encounter for future reference. Dribbble and Behance are two networks where great designers share their latest work.

While trends may inspire you, it's more important to align your design with your audience and your subject matter. Your design should support and strengthen your topic.

The colors and typography should be consistent with what you're writing about, the tone you've chosen, and the audience you've defined.

Writing a white paper for a funeral parlor? Hot-pink headlines might be a bad choice. Taking color psychology into account can help you achieve the look and feel you're after. A big part of the battle is knowing the search terms that will get you the knowledge you need.

Luckily, good primers on basic graphic design are abundant. After doing a bit of reading, start creating. This is the best way to improve and create well designed white papers.

At Foleon, we pride ourselves on providing a tool that makes creating responsive digital white papers easy, even for those with no prior graphic design experience.

Choosing a tool like this, which takes the guesswork out of design, will shorten the time it takes for you to produce great white papers.

There is a vast ecosystem of tools out there, each of which is geared toward a different purpose and skillset. The right one will enable you as both a designer and a writer.

See how you can scale engaging content creation. For most companies, lead generation and growing lists of contacts for the sales and marketing teams are important activities.

Attracting visitors to your site and offering them something of value in exchange for their contact information is a proven method for filling the top of your funnel. But for this type of inbound marketing to work, two things are needed: exceptional content that visitors are eager to acquire, and a method for gating or walling off that content behind a form.

Many brands skip the first part and move straight to the second. They quickly produce something mediocre and put it behind a form. The quality of your gated content serves as an indicator of the quality of your brand will affect your ability to turn prospects into customers down the road.

So how do white papers fit into your b2b content marketing funnel? They may act either as lead generation tools themselves or can be used to direct readers to other parts of a website that captures lead information.

Walling expert content off behind a form designed to capture personal details is one of the most common techniques for generating leads. Gated content is any content that a reader cannot access until after they input some personal information, such as their name and email address.

White papers and eBooks are two of the most common types of content used for this purpose. Typically, a company will create a landing page that includes a description — and perhaps a preview — of what information readers can expect to find inside.

The landing page will include a form for visitors to enter their personal information and thus gain access. After entering the required information, visitors are either presented with a download button or receive the gated content in their inbox.

While gating your best content is great for lead generation, there are some drawbacks as well. Walling off your white paper will mean it gets read by fewer people as not everyone is willing to give away their contact details. An open-access white paper will be read by a wider audience.

Gating it behind a form, however, will prevent search engines from indexing it. If the latter is more important, then gating is a great option. This can give you the best of both worlds by allowing your white paper to reach a wider audience while still retaining the ability to generate leads.

Semi-gating gives readers a taste of your white paper without requiring them to give up any info. You can, for example, make the first few pages of your white paper open access, and then make visitors fill in a form to read more. This works well because digital content is so abundant and brands must offer more for free or risk visitors turning elsewhere.

Allow your white paper to reach a wider audience while still retaining the ability to generate leads. Offering more content for free also builds trust and brand loyalty among your readers.

Semi-gating can help reach a wider audience, build trust and loyalty, increase lead quality, and still help you capture the contact information you need. Friction is anything that causes the sales process to slow down.

It can be caused by a multitude of things including poor design, confusing navigation, subpar copy, too many form fields, and more. Your ability to generate leads with a gated white paper will largely depend on how much friction is involved.

Asking for more information than you really need is one common and unnecessary source of friction that can lead to losing potential readers. The entire field of conversion rate optimization is geared toward removing friction — or making user interactions easier. CRO specialists make forms simpler, navigation more intuitive, and design CTAs that are more likely to be clicked.

Optimizing your landing page for conversions is a vital part of any lead generation campaign. But the reality is, asking for personal information will always be an obstacle for a large number of people. So the key here is to make the process easy and noninvasive as possible.

An excellent way to do this is by reducing the number of form fields to the bare minimum and using mid-gating to ensure your ask is timely and yields immediate value for the reader: "Fill out this form to get access to the rest of this white paper, we've saved the best for last!

Create white papers and eBooks that integrate with your favorite CRM or marketing automation platform. Get started. So, after following the tips in this guide, you create an engaging, informative white paper that inspires readers to take action and deepen their relationship with your company.

Only, the traffic never comes… Where did you go wrong? You didn't think about your white paper distribution strategy. To get eyes on your white paper, you need to be smart not only about writing and design but distribution as well. Distribution is all about identifying traction channels where your ideal customers consume content and making your white paper highly visible on those channels.

Depending on the audience you defined in the beginning, some will be more relevant for you than others. People from all walks of life, and from all over the world, are on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Ensuring that you share your content regularly on these platforms will give you a solid base of promotion on which to build. But it's not enough to simply write a post and tweet it into the void.

Try to find communities like Facebook and LinkedIn groups where your target audience is likely to congregate. Search for relevant hashtags on Twitter and Instagram. Find subreddits relevant to your industry. These days, influencers — people with large, engaged followings on social media and newsletters — are better equipped to amplify your content than traditional journalists.

They play a growing role in shaping public opinion and even in setting business trends. Shares from an influencer can even help you land spots in major publications the way press releases used to.

Social media is the best place to find influencers in your vertical. When you investigate the best communities in which to promote your white paper, look for the content that people are already referencing and sharing.

These are the people whose voices can amplify your brand. Start by interacting with them. Begin a conversation, comment on their pieces with regularity, and give them feedback on their work.

There are great tools, like Voila Norbert and ContactOut , to help you quickly track down email addresses. After building enough rapport, try offering to collaborate on future white papers or other types of content. This process can take some time because your goal here is to build a relationship.

Eventually, you can ask an influencer to share your white paper. You might even consider quoting them in the white paper itself — anything that gives them an incentive to share your work is helpful. Pro tip: Try to find an expert in your white paper related subject and interview them.

It will add value to your white paper and you'll increase the chance that the expert shares your content with his or her extensive network. Email distribution has stood the test of time in this regard.

It provides greater ROI than social , and it shows no signs of weakening. If the purpose of your white paper is lead generation, email marketing will not be applicable. Allows for users to subscribe to newsletter or mailing lists to get updates from organizations or companies!

An email signup form is a type of contact form that allows visitors to subscribe to a website's email list. Collect your users' email addresses and easily generate leads. You can also get comments, questions, or suggestions from your customers. Multipurpose email signup form can be used to gather users' email addresses and users' consent to accept emails from the organization.

Successful email marketing campaigns begin with a solid email list — and an email signup form can help you build one.

Integrate your email signup form with other services like Google Sheets, Google Drive, Dropbox etc, and automatically send collected emails to those services as well.

Just create a Jotform account and start creating a database of your clients' email and contact information. Lead generation forms are online forms businesses use to collect quality leads. It allows your business to collect important contact details for leads, such as their email, phone number, and address.

Your sales team can then use this information to convert leads into paying customers. Just choose a free lead generation form template below, customize it, and embed it on your website. All info is stored securely in your Jotform account, and you can set up Jotform to automatically send the information to CRMs like HubSpot, ActiveCampaign, and Salesforce Jotform is also available on Salesforce AppExchange.

Add your company logo, rearrange form fields, or change colors and background images for a personal touch. Jotform makes it easy to turn leads into customers fast by helping you automate your workflow with our free online lead generation forms. Need a better way to organize your raffle?

Sell raffle tickets online with a free Raffle Ticket Form. Easy to customize, embed, and share. A Sweepstakes Entry Form is an online form that is used to collect entries for a sweepstakes contest.

Raffle Participation Form provides you with the participants' contact information and the amount that they contribute. Gain more followers and likes by sharing good-quality photos of your work. You can give this Social Media Photo Release Form to your clients allowing you to share the photos you've taken with them.

A social media content request form is used by businesses to collect information about content they need from their social media managers or marketing team. Customize and share online.

A media release form is used when a company, organization, or individual is releasing information to the media. Get this template for free! It has side-by-side fields that is also mobile responsive.

Light gradient green background makes the form simple and elegant looking. Simple and practical, convenient to have it on the go! You can tailor the form towards your own organizational needs and styles.

A simple email form is a type of online form that allows users to send information via email. A referral form is an online form used to request referrals and provides the personal and contact information of both the referral and the referee. If you want to get referrals, you can use this free referral program template.

You can get more referrals and keep more existing customers by using this customer referral template. This referral program form is the best form for the referral system. This program referral form template allows gathering clients' name, email and number and referral details such as referral name, email, number, and comments about the referral.

Use this Hospice Referral Form when referring a qualified patient to hospice care. This form contains all necessary fields that will make a smooth transition from one institution to another.

With this employee referral template, you can get referrals easily online and organize a referral program for your company.

By this way, you can get to know your applicants more and the hiring process is sped up! Mobile-optimized Responsive Registration Form designed with a clear header that allows providing a short description of the workshop content, collects primary contact details, allows to make suggestions and add further comments.

Capture more participants to attend your virtual workshop by using this Virtual Workshop Registration Form. You can easily use this template and customize it here in Jotform. PayJunction Workshop Registration Form.

Cooking WorkShop Registration Form PayPal Standard. A new client application and questionnaire form that asks from your potential customers their personal and contact information, business details, industry, company size, relevant files, goals, service they are applying for, etc.

A property inquiry form is used by real estate businesses to request more details regarding a potential property inquiry. Planning to open a hair salon or do you own a salon business?

Promote your services and get more customers appointments easily through this hairdresser appointment form. This hair salon form collects contact information and your clients can select service required, stylist, date, time.

A guest list form is a document used by event planners or organizers to track attendance at an event or gathering. The Book a Limo Form collects customer contact information, number of passengers, requested vehicle type, pickup date and time, pickup and drop off address, and further comments which allows an easy booking process.

Verify the authenticity of your vendors or suppliers by using this Vendor Information Form. This form template is very straightforward, complete, and can be accessed easily. The Airport Pickup Reservation Form allows customers to arrange a pickup service online through providing their contact information, airport and airline information, travel date and time, and special requests or comments if any.

Whether you need a customer profile template for word or a form you can use online, a short and simple form would always be preferable.

This customer profile form will ask basic but important questions to your customers, which you can build into a catalog for future use. The profile form template will ask basic info about the customer, their contact details, and that's basically it.

Filling out the form would only take a minute or two but will come in handy should you need to get in touch with them. The Lawn Care New Client Questionnaire allows generating leads with a detailed understanding of their gardening preferences, lawn care and landscaping taste.

On a screen, people typically read between and words per minute. Check the number of time readers spend on each page using this as a benchmark. Integrating analytics allows you to track where visitors come from and concentrate on the channels that provide results.

Adobe Creative Cloud Express comes in handy. To get started, you can look through its library of professionally created templates, then add your logo, branded colors, relevant photographs, and infographics to personalize your white paper.

Another useful tool for creating free white papers is Lucidpress. Each white paper template has a preview function, real-time collaboration directly in the canvas, and editable text and image. Best of all, the drag-and-drop tool is so simple to use that it can be done by anyone, including those who doubt their artistic abilities.

With Venngage , you can bring your research and insights to life with sophisticated, stylish white paper templates. It is user-friendly and comes with an intuitive interface that easily lets you add and rearrange the white paper content.

Create powerful white papers using pre-made templates for a range of industries. Case studies and white papers are the most effective methods for generating leads and establishing your company as a thought leader.

So, how can you use them to generate leads? Simply, you can gate your file with a form and require visitors to fill in the fields to access the white paper download. If you are a WordPress user, we have the perfect tool for you.

Download Monitor can be integrated with virtually all form builders, but it has custom-built extensions for two of them: Gravity Forms and Ninja Forms. The following tutorial will show you how to gate your white paper with Ninja Forms Lock extension to generate leads.

There are three fields on this form: Name, Email, and Message. You can use this form if it meets your needs, or you can edit it by deleting fields, adding new ones, or creating a new form.

I will use a short form, but you can add as many fields as you want. Download Monitor can assist you with any type of file you want to upload to your website. Before anything else, install and activate Download Monitor.

Here you can set up your white paper download. You can even add files from Google Drive and Amazon S3 cloud platform. If you want to ask visitors to fill out a Ninja form to download a file, you need to install and activate the Download Monitor Ninja Form Lock extension. Look for Ninja Locked Download , check the box, and choose the form that gates the white paper download.

The Ninja Forms extension for Download Monitor allows you to require users to fill in a Ninja Forms form before they gain access to a download. The file will only be accessible after the user has successfully completed the form submission. You can easily use the shortcode directly to insert download links with text anchors, or if you want to, you can use the URL to create an anchor on a button.

In this case, you have two options:. You can style your download buttons to suit your needs — set the background colors, customize the border, select a font, a font color, and even font size. Moreover, pair Download Monitor Ninja Forms Lock with our Email Notification extension and get immediately notified when a visitor completes the form.

Using Download Monitor Ninja Form Lock extension will not only require visitors to fill in a form before they gain access to a download but will also make it possible to track your downloads and analyze your data. It also provides a great reporting section where you can:.

Gated content allows you to collect valuable information for qualifying leads and improve customer interactions. Adding a white paper download with restricted access to your landing page will help you gain both valuable information and potential customers.

Self-taught entrepreneur with a deep passion for learning, understanding human nature, and what drives businesses forward.

Get inspiration from these white paper examples for business, marketing, research, government, HR, plus top tips for designing white papers Create an interesting whitepaper/report (use PDF format); Build a beautiful whitepaper download form; Send the form to your audience; Collect email addresses Learn how to create a white paper with our easy step-by-step guide. We've also included design tips, examples and templates to help you get


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Request for Whitepaper Form - Many Department of Defense (DoD) non-dilutive funding opportunities require applicants to submit white papers (occasionally referred to as Get inspiration from these white paper examples for business, marketing, research, government, HR, plus top tips for designing white papers Create an interesting whitepaper/report (use PDF format); Build a beautiful whitepaper download form; Send the form to your audience; Collect email addresses Learn how to create a white paper with our easy step-by-step guide. We've also included design tips, examples and templates to help you get

Home Blog What is a Department of Defense DoD White Paper? Many Department of Defense DoD non-dilutive funding opportunities require applicants to submit white papers occasionally referred to as concept papers prior to completing a full application. This saves time and money for both the DoD by not having to review as many full applications and companies by only completing full applications if invited.

White papers are also frequently sent to DoD researchers as the initial step in assessing their collaboration interests.

First, by clearly explaining the problem, the approach to solve it, the attendant goals of the research, and the required time and funding, the program officer is provided with a clear picture of a proposed project.

Second, white papers and proposals are not only read by the program officer to whom they are submitted, but by their successors, program officers managing related programs, high-level technical managers, and contracting personnel. Therefore, well prepared documents convey the sum and substance of a proposed or funded project and do not compel a reader to ask for clarification from the program officer or the organization from which it originated.

Finally, a well-prepared document reflects well upon the principal investigator and their organization. White papers are used to present possible research projects to DoD or military-assisting Federal Agencies to assess an interest in, or possibility of, funding a specific research project.

White papers include a statement of the technical problem, the possible military benefit, a proposed approach to a solution, and a brief statement of costs.

They do not include extensive contractual statements addressing issues such as salaries, benefits, travel costs, equipment purchases, or certifications on equal-opportunity employment. Proposals i. They include the same technical narrative found in a white paper.

Except in the case of funding research at federal organizations, proposals must also include extensive contractual statements. White paper formats and required content varies between each of the DoD components and their research offices.

However, the following are generally applicable to white papers prepared for biomedical research projects solicited by the DoD:.

Below, we provide a generic white paper template as well as specific examples of DoD white paper templates from the U. Air Force and U. These are for informational purposes only and should not be used as official white paper instructions for any DoD solicitation.

White paper templates can and frequently doe change, if they are even required as part of the submission process, so it is important to follow the template instructions laid out in solicitation-specific application instructions. If your company has dual-use biomedical or human system technologies that can improve the operational readiness, situational awareness, or healthcare for our military personnel, Veterans, and their beneficiaries, consider utilizing DoD and other military-assisting non-dilutive funding resources, such as CDMRP or consortia to accelerate your technologies to DoD, VA, civilian, and international marketplaces.

Your Comments. Blog Home Blog What is a Department of Defense DoD White Paper? But still, a great way to get inspiration when you're just starting is to take a look at what design trends are currently popular. U2's frontman, Bono, sings "every artist is a cannibal, every poet is a thief.

Good designers are always drawing inspiration from other designers. The best way to create a successful design is to spend a lot of time looking at what others are doing successfully. Use Evernote , or a bookmarking service to save white papers and other exceptional designs that you encounter for future reference.

Dribbble and Behance are two networks where great designers share their latest work. While trends may inspire you, it's more important to align your design with your audience and your subject matter. Your design should support and strengthen your topic. The colors and typography should be consistent with what you're writing about, the tone you've chosen, and the audience you've defined.

Writing a white paper for a funeral parlor? Hot-pink headlines might be a bad choice. Taking color psychology into account can help you achieve the look and feel you're after. A big part of the battle is knowing the search terms that will get you the knowledge you need.

Luckily, good primers on basic graphic design are abundant. After doing a bit of reading, start creating. This is the best way to improve and create well designed white papers.

At Foleon, we pride ourselves on providing a tool that makes creating responsive digital white papers easy, even for those with no prior graphic design experience.

Choosing a tool like this, which takes the guesswork out of design, will shorten the time it takes for you to produce great white papers. There is a vast ecosystem of tools out there, each of which is geared toward a different purpose and skillset. The right one will enable you as both a designer and a writer.

See how you can scale engaging content creation. For most companies, lead generation and growing lists of contacts for the sales and marketing teams are important activities.

Attracting visitors to your site and offering them something of value in exchange for their contact information is a proven method for filling the top of your funnel.

But for this type of inbound marketing to work, two things are needed: exceptional content that visitors are eager to acquire, and a method for gating or walling off that content behind a form.

Many brands skip the first part and move straight to the second. They quickly produce something mediocre and put it behind a form.

The quality of your gated content serves as an indicator of the quality of your brand will affect your ability to turn prospects into customers down the road.

So how do white papers fit into your b2b content marketing funnel? They may act either as lead generation tools themselves or can be used to direct readers to other parts of a website that captures lead information.

Walling expert content off behind a form designed to capture personal details is one of the most common techniques for generating leads.

Gated content is any content that a reader cannot access until after they input some personal information, such as their name and email address. White papers and eBooks are two of the most common types of content used for this purpose. Typically, a company will create a landing page that includes a description — and perhaps a preview — of what information readers can expect to find inside.

The landing page will include a form for visitors to enter their personal information and thus gain access. After entering the required information, visitors are either presented with a download button or receive the gated content in their inbox.

While gating your best content is great for lead generation, there are some drawbacks as well. Walling off your white paper will mean it gets read by fewer people as not everyone is willing to give away their contact details.

An open-access white paper will be read by a wider audience. Gating it behind a form, however, will prevent search engines from indexing it. If the latter is more important, then gating is a great option.

This can give you the best of both worlds by allowing your white paper to reach a wider audience while still retaining the ability to generate leads.

Semi-gating gives readers a taste of your white paper without requiring them to give up any info. You can, for example, make the first few pages of your white paper open access, and then make visitors fill in a form to read more.

This works well because digital content is so abundant and brands must offer more for free or risk visitors turning elsewhere. Allow your white paper to reach a wider audience while still retaining the ability to generate leads. Offering more content for free also builds trust and brand loyalty among your readers.

Semi-gating can help reach a wider audience, build trust and loyalty, increase lead quality, and still help you capture the contact information you need.

Friction is anything that causes the sales process to slow down. It can be caused by a multitude of things including poor design, confusing navigation, subpar copy, too many form fields, and more.

Your ability to generate leads with a gated white paper will largely depend on how much friction is involved. Asking for more information than you really need is one common and unnecessary source of friction that can lead to losing potential readers.

The entire field of conversion rate optimization is geared toward removing friction — or making user interactions easier. CRO specialists make forms simpler, navigation more intuitive, and design CTAs that are more likely to be clicked.

Optimizing your landing page for conversions is a vital part of any lead generation campaign. But the reality is, asking for personal information will always be an obstacle for a large number of people. So the key here is to make the process easy and noninvasive as possible.

An excellent way to do this is by reducing the number of form fields to the bare minimum and using mid-gating to ensure your ask is timely and yields immediate value for the reader: "Fill out this form to get access to the rest of this white paper, we've saved the best for last!

Create white papers and eBooks that integrate with your favorite CRM or marketing automation platform. Get started. So, after following the tips in this guide, you create an engaging, informative white paper that inspires readers to take action and deepen their relationship with your company.

Only, the traffic never comes… Where did you go wrong? You didn't think about your white paper distribution strategy.

To get eyes on your white paper, you need to be smart not only about writing and design but distribution as well. Distribution is all about identifying traction channels where your ideal customers consume content and making your white paper highly visible on those channels. Depending on the audience you defined in the beginning, some will be more relevant for you than others.

People from all walks of life, and from all over the world, are on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Ensuring that you share your content regularly on these platforms will give you a solid base of promotion on which to build.

But it's not enough to simply write a post and tweet it into the void. Try to find communities like Facebook and LinkedIn groups where your target audience is likely to congregate. Search for relevant hashtags on Twitter and Instagram. Find subreddits relevant to your industry. These days, influencers — people with large, engaged followings on social media and newsletters — are better equipped to amplify your content than traditional journalists.

They play a growing role in shaping public opinion and even in setting business trends. Shares from an influencer can even help you land spots in major publications the way press releases used to. Social media is the best place to find influencers in your vertical. When you investigate the best communities in which to promote your white paper, look for the content that people are already referencing and sharing.

These are the people whose voices can amplify your brand. Start by interacting with them. Begin a conversation, comment on their pieces with regularity, and give them feedback on their work.

There are great tools, like Voila Norbert and ContactOut , to help you quickly track down email addresses. After building enough rapport, try offering to collaborate on future white papers or other types of content. This process can take some time because your goal here is to build a relationship.

Eventually, you can ask an influencer to share your white paper. You might even consider quoting them in the white paper itself — anything that gives them an incentive to share your work is helpful.

Pro tip: Try to find an expert in your white paper related subject and interview them. It will add value to your white paper and you'll increase the chance that the expert shares your content with his or her extensive network.

Email distribution has stood the test of time in this regard. It provides greater ROI than social , and it shows no signs of weakening. If the purpose of your white paper is lead generation, email marketing will not be applicable. But for boosting sales, building trust, and establishing your brand as a trustworthy source of information, it's important not to neglect your existing contact base.

Although email may not have the appealing viral possibilities associated with social media, it does have other advantages. Namely, anyone who subscribed to your email list chose to be there. This means you can expect a higher level of engagement from this audience than those who come in via other channels.

Capitalize on their loyalty and engagement by encouraging contacts to share your white paper with their networks and thus multiply your distribution efforts. This was discussed in the previous section, but it's worth mentioning again here: another big advantage of Foleon's gating features is that when your existing contacts share your white paper with their contacts, those people will be confronted with a login form that will allow you to capture their info and expand your email list further.

The techniques discussed above are essential items in your white paper distribution toolbox. The best way to distribute your white paper depends largely on your target audience and the industry to which your content speaks. Take some time to critically evaluate and research how knowledge is shared in your industry.

Every industry will be slightly different. Reaching people in these places is the best guarantee of effective distribution. As we've discussed, white papers can serve a variety of objectives.

When it comes to content marketing, however, the most common use for white papers over the last several years has become lead generation. In chapter 6, we discussed how to bring readers to your white paper and capture their information.

Once you've properly gated your white paper and set up a solid distribution strategy, it's time to think about how you'll handle the leads that come in. If not properly tracked and nurtured, leads will quickly become cold and won't lead to increased sales for your company.

The actions your prospects take on your website can be indicative of what stage of the journey they're in. For example, you may see someone read a blog post on your site, then come back a day later to get your white paper, and then finally sign up for a free trial or an email list.

After that, they might decide to make a purchase. As patterns begin to emerge around the journey your customers take, you'll learn what actions on your part can help them to advance. There are many tools available to help you analyze this journey for yourself.

Google Analytics is probably the most widely used. It lets you track and compile data regarding user behavior on your website. You can define goals and generate reports that will show you steps users tend to take before completing those goals. As it becomes more clear what actions visitors take before purchasing, you'll better understand where to use your white paper in the buyer's journey.

The question you should seek to answer is, where does it provide the most value to your potential customers? Do you see greater success when accessing your gated white paper is a prospect's first interaction with your company? Or is it perhaps more effective to use it as an offer once visitors have returned a second or third time to your site?

You can see that white papers don't exist in isolation but act as a member of an ecosystem. The related blog posts, landing pages, emails, social messages, and follow up sequences must all be carefully orchestrated and properly timed.

This process takes practice. It takes trial and error, and you must be a keen observer of trends. However, that effort will pay off. white papers don't exist in isolation but act as a member of a content ecosystem.

Depending on where in the buyer's journey you use your white paper, the way you'll want to follow up with leads will be different. This is what it means to nurture leads. By proactively keeping in touch with leads and offering them more relevant content, you maximize the likelihood of them becoming a customer.

Thus, the need to create interactive content experiences that stand out amongst your competitors has never been more critical in your content marketing strategy as the volume of published white papers grows yearly. For this reason, the visual representation of your white paper has become increasingly crucial for retaining your audience's interest.

In addition to the value your white paper content provides your audience, the single most significant factor at your disposal to maintain content engagement is how your white paper is visually presented. For whitepapers, the white paper template you opt for to present your content can significantly influence the success of your publication.

The template is more than just a matter of aesthetics; it represents a strategic decision that affects user engagement, experience, and even how your brand is perceived. Below are some factors you should carefully weigh when choosing your white paper template.

The two biggest influences that will determine the selection of your white paper template are your target audience and the purpose of your content.

In contrast, visually-oriented templates containing hi-res imagery or videos are better suited for online catalogs or digital magazines. Think about your target audience's needs and how your template's layout can optimize your content's engagement.

This will allow everyone in your team to create content quickly with no coding experience required. Custom templates set your white paper up for success by providing a starting foundation to help guide the layout and structure of your content.

Custom features allow you to design your white paper any way you like by quickly changing blocks, fonts, and colors according to your brand guidelines with the added ability to add or remove sections.

Therefore, it is essential that your white paper is responsive across all devices. Most content creation platforms have integrated tools that automatically adapt your content to different screen sizes.

However, to ensure the best possible user experience, you should always test your white paper on multiple devices as part of your content creation process before publishing. Finally, website speed is one of the most significant factors influencing user experience and playing a pivotal role in organic rankings.

According to section. io , Ensuring that your content creation platform and hosting services are optimized for website performance is critical in maximizing your readership when choosing your white paper template.

By this point, you should have all the ingredients you need to make your white paper a rousing success. But not everyone will be ready for the same piece of content at the same time. From white papers to blog posts, to podcasts, the type of content that will drive conversions for your business is something you'll discover over time.

This means lots of writing. It means coming up with content ideas, creating them, distributing them, and measuring their success — then rinsing and repeating. After this primer, you should be fully equipped for success writing not only white papers but whatever content you choose along your journey.

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Request for Whitepaper Form - Many Department of Defense (DoD) non-dilutive funding opportunities require applicants to submit white papers (occasionally referred to as Get inspiration from these white paper examples for business, marketing, research, government, HR, plus top tips for designing white papers Create an interesting whitepaper/report (use PDF format); Build a beautiful whitepaper download form; Send the form to your audience; Collect email addresses Learn how to create a white paper with our easy step-by-step guide. We've also included design tips, examples and templates to help you get

If the Program Review is going to be an in-person event, then where would it be held? Answer 4: The Program Review location is still undetermined.

For budgeting purposes, you may use Washington DC. Question 5: In the last RPP next generation projects were part of the core call. This time they are not listed as an area.

Is that area excluded for this call? If so, will they be included in the expected fall RPP? Answer 5: Next generation project topics were not a part of the current solicitations and Next Gen projects may be reintroduced into the solicitation but currently we do not plan for this in the fall.

Question 6: With the notice of intent, does this mean universities will have to have selected their white papers to submit by that date? Or is the notice to capture all parties that will be submitting a proposal at the university pre-selection level?

Question 7: The Core call limits institutions to only 2 WP submissions, and the Challenge call limit is 1 per institution. Answer 7: The limit is for the solicitation, not topic, so each university may submit 2 white papers to the Core call and 1 white paper to the Challenge call Please note that amendment 2 to the Core call now allows for an additional white paper to be submitted to Topic 1.

If so when can we expect them? Answer 8: While the government is working on common and representative reference shapes for research, it is not anticipated that these shapes will be available during Each PI should investigate relevant geometries pertinent to the research for now to demonstrate their work and in the future, relevant geometries will be investigated.

Question 9: On technology area 4, would this include the effects of weather on exhaust plume signature detection? OR do you mean we get one 1 for Topic 1 and then two others spread out among the other 8 topics?

Answer Yes, you could submit two white papers to Topic 1 and then still be able to submit one additional white paper to another topic. Question Is there a standard format for the Notice of Intent NOI letter? What information should the letter contain?

The NOI link can be found under Project Resources under the solicitation. The Notice of Intent should identify the topic submitting to, white paper title and include the institutions and PIs for the white paper team.

Question Topic 4: Impact of Flight Environments Weather in Near Space. Is the interest of this topic in understanding the space environment e.

Or is the interest in understanding the impact of space environment on vehicle how will water and rain drops affect the vehicle and structural load on the vehicle? Answer Topic 4 is more directed toward understanding the impact of space environment on vehicle systems, although knowing something about the character of the environment is of course helpful to that end.

It mentions the defensive solutions are applicable as well. Are you interested in understanding plumes and signatures at high altitudes from hypersonic vehicles? Question Most have asked about the period of performance. It has side-by-side fields that is also mobile responsive.

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This promotion form template contains name, email, phone number, address. You can learn to how your customers got to know you or what do they wish to shop today by using this promotional form. Get leads by offering whitepaper download to your website visitors with this download whitepaper form and send them to your mailing list for weekly newsletters.

This white paper form will serve your purpose of generating leads of different category for your use or your clients.

This white paper template is simple and will only ask visitors to provide their name, email, and phone to download the whitepaper.

You can deliver the whitepaper from this white paper download to your submitters either by the email or automatic redirect download. A prospective client form is a customer lead form that helps companies and organizations to gather information on potential clients and partners.

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Giving discounts to all your customers is a best way for getting more profits of your business. Fully customizable and free. Get online payments with the Verifone payment form. Ideal if you're using Verifone to receive payments. Businesses use lead generation forms to collect contact information from potential customers.

That information is then sent to your CRM or marketing platform for data management. Lead generation forms also allow you to process payments or fees in a secure manner, making it easier to convert leads to new customers.

You can create giveaway forms, social media marketing forms, referral signup forms, workshop registration forms, questionnaires, inquiry forms, and more. White papers are used to present possible research projects to DoD or military-assisting Federal Agencies to assess an interest in, or possibility of, funding a specific research project.

White papers include a statement of the technical problem, the possible military benefit, a proposed approach to a solution, and a brief statement of costs. They do not include extensive contractual statements addressing issues such as salaries, benefits, travel costs, equipment purchases, or certifications on equal-opportunity employment.

Proposals i. They include the same technical narrative found in a white paper. Except in the case of funding research at federal organizations, proposals must also include extensive contractual statements. White paper formats and required content varies between each of the DoD components and their research offices.

However, the following are generally applicable to white papers prepared for biomedical research projects solicited by the DoD:. Below, we provide a generic white paper template as well as specific examples of DoD white paper templates from the U.

Air Force and U. These are for informational purposes only and should not be used as official white paper instructions for any DoD solicitation. White paper templates can and frequently doe change, if they are even required as part of the submission process, so it is important to follow the template instructions laid out in solicitation-specific application instructions.

If your company has dual-use biomedical or human system technologies that can improve the operational readiness, situational awareness, or healthcare for our military personnel, Veterans, and their beneficiaries, consider utilizing DoD and other military-assisting non-dilutive funding resources, such as CDMRP or consortia to accelerate your technologies to DoD, VA, civilian, and international marketplaces.

Your Comments. Blog Home Blog What is a Department of Defense DoD White Paper?

Ask yourself, "Who's going to read my white paper?" Business Executives and Decision Makers: Senior executives are often the decision-makers in their This template is provided as a suggested format, it is not mandatory; however, we ask that you closely align with this template to ensure proper assessment. The Create an interesting whitepaper/report (use PDF format); Build a beautiful whitepaper download form; Send the form to your audience; Collect email addresses: Request for Whitepaper Form

Resources Blog Real-life Rquest, trends, and strategies Frm help Request for Whitepaper Form grow Request for Whitepaper Form business. Flyer Maker. But a great way to add some visual appeal to your white paper layout is to pick an accent color that you can use to make parts of your page pop. Partner Links. Black Insurance 's white paper on the challenges faced by the industry i. Question 6: Question 6: With the notice of intent, does this mean universities will have to have selected their white papers to submit by that date? It is a perfect example of how a company specializing in a niche has partnered not just to explain industry trends, but also to explain how they're at the forefront of it. It was published in and is still very relevant due to how they command authority in their chosen niche. This white paper form will serve your purpose of generating leads of different category for your use or your clients. Giving discounts to all your customers is a best way for getting more profits of your business. Get inspiration from these white paper examples for business, marketing, research, government, HR, plus top tips for designing white papers Create an interesting whitepaper/report (use PDF format); Build a beautiful whitepaper download form; Send the form to your audience; Collect email addresses Learn how to create a white paper with our easy step-by-step guide. We've also included design tips, examples and templates to help you get A white paper is an authoritative, research-based document that presents information, expert analysis and an organization or author's insight into a topic The topic description refers to a “reference vehicle shape.” Will the government be supplying reference vehicle shape(s) to project call bidders? If so when can Create an interesting whitepaper/report (use PDF format); Build a beautiful whitepaper download form; Send the form to your audience; Collect email addresses This white paper template is simple and will only ask visitors to provide their name, email, and phone to download the whitepaper. You can deliver the A white paper is an in-depth report or guide about a specific topic and the problems that surround it. It is meant to educate readers and help them to Many Department of Defense (DoD) non-dilutive funding opportunities require applicants to submit white papers (occasionally referred to as Request for Whitepaper Form
Request for Whitepaper Form boost white paper downloads. Request for Whitepaper Form the widespread growth and adoption of content marketing the creation and distribution Whitepaaper non-promotional content Affordable electrical appliances to generate fog in Requesg business and its offeringswhite papers have become more common Whitepsper other industries as well. In the past, white papers were most often produced by governmental agencies, NGOs, think tanks, consultancies, and financial institutions that needed to present the findings of their ongoing research in a succinct format. Blog Real-life stories, trends, and strategies to help you grow your business. Answer The citizenship requirement applies to anyone working on the project. An open-access white paper will be read by a wider audience. It is easy to get carried away by all that you want to write, but your readers may not be interested in knowing them. Submit Your Question. Platform Platform Instapage Overview Integrations Features Security. It is valuable only because it comes straight from a bevy of experts. This customer profile form will ask basic but important questions to your customers, which you can build into a catalog for future use. We writers, or content strategists, can suck at it. With impressive noting of footnotes and charts, this is an excellent piece for people looking to fight CVDs. Get inspiration from these white paper examples for business, marketing, research, government, HR, plus top tips for designing white papers Create an interesting whitepaper/report (use PDF format); Build a beautiful whitepaper download form; Send the form to your audience; Collect email addresses Learn how to create a white paper with our easy step-by-step guide. We've also included design tips, examples and templates to help you get Re: White Paper Download and Sample Request Form. Hi Nicole, you can make a single form and use the address fields conditionally. That is to say by offering ideas in the form of a white paper. These white papers will be Contact: To ask specific questions regarding white paper preparation, contact Get inspiration from these white paper examples for business, marketing, research, government, HR, plus top tips for designing white papers Get inspiration from these white paper examples for business, marketing, research, government, HR, plus top tips for designing white papers Create an interesting whitepaper/report (use PDF format); Build a beautiful whitepaper download form; Send the form to your audience; Collect email addresses Learn how to create a white paper with our easy step-by-step guide. We've also included design tips, examples and templates to help you get Request for Whitepaper Form
Your outro Request for Whitepaper Form equally important, Requfst if you're using your white paper Fkrm market Affordable shopping for groceries products Request for Whitepaper Form services. To add an element of enjoyment to the hWitepaper, you Whitdpaper explore our collection of white paper templates that offer captivating and informative formats for narrating your story. This white paper template is simple and will only ask visitors to provide their name, email, and phone to download the whitepaper. They show readers that you're reliable, experienced, and adept in a given domain. But be careful. A trap that white papers easily fall into is using statistics as a crutch and not maintaining interest throughout. If you add more links, the user will see all of the other distracting, clickable links, such as the website navigation at the top or footer. Images give the eyes a rest and help to reinforce information. There are a lot of ways you can make your government white papers more engaging. A common mistake novice designers make is to cram too much text into a page, rather than breaking up the text and giving it space to breathe. Get inspiration from these white paper examples for business, marketing, research, government, HR, plus top tips for designing white papers Create an interesting whitepaper/report (use PDF format); Build a beautiful whitepaper download form; Send the form to your audience; Collect email addresses Learn how to create a white paper with our easy step-by-step guide. We've also included design tips, examples and templates to help you get A white paper is an in-depth report or guide about a specific topic and the problems that surround it. It is meant to educate readers and help them to To request complimentary copies of any of Service Works' FM and PPP industry whitepapers, please complete your details in the form provided Get inspiration from these white paper examples for business, marketing, research, government, HR, plus top tips for designing white papers Answer · Cover Letter (if any, ask your instructor) · Introduction/Executive Summary. An introduction is helpful for busy readers. · Background Missing To request complimentary copies of any of Service Works' FM and PPP industry whitepapers, please complete your details in the form provided Request for Whitepaper Form
Add a public comment to this Free catalog listings Entry. Request for Whitepaper Form in the case of dor research Requfst federal organizations, proposals must also include extensive contractual Frm. Government white paper examples like the one below are text-heavy. When a topic for the government was less serious, the blue cover was discarded and published with white covers. It follows the inverted pyramid structure of laying down the most significant challenges and narrowing down on the ideal solution. 7 Steps to the Perfect White Paper (Template & Examples)

By Faerg

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