Discounted Office Snacks

buy packs of your offices favourite snacks. Our office snacks make a welcome change to the traditional vending machine so swap the sugary snacks today and watch your team prosper. We work with leading producers to offer the very best products at competitive prices. We offer national coverage and deliver groceries to offices large and small so if you need a fruit or milk delivery, you have come to the right place!

Office Orchard deliver fresh office fruit baskets throughout England, Scotland and Wales from leading office fruit suppliers. Make your office a happy and healthy one. We are partners with drinkmilk , the UKs leading milk delivery network.

We can supply milk straight to your office from your local dairy. Keeping food miles low. We supply all of your office groceries to keep the office kitchen cupboards topped up, from tea, coffee and sugar to nuts, protein bars and healthy snacks.

Quick Quote. Office Fruit, Milk and Grocery Deliveries. Groceries Office Fruit Office Milk Office Snacks Kitchen Cupboard Eco Coffee Cups Equipment Milk Dispensers Contact Us sales office-orchard.

com Menu. Healthy Snacks for the Office. Also available without printing Prices start from just £3. Quote Me. Nuts, Seeds, Protein Bars, Vegan, Vegetarian and Gluten Free.

Why offIce snacks? Healthy Snack Boxes. Your Shopping List ×. no Image Product Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Unit Cost Weekly Total. Total: £0. Raw Nuts Box of attr "required", true gktGiftCardEmailLabel. slice 0, 10 gktGiftCardDatePicker. attr "min", new Date. attr "min", gkt. attr "max", new Date new Date.

attr "max", gkt. append gktGiftCardInputRow1Div1. append gktGiftCardInputRow1Div2 gktGiftCardInputReceiverName.

append gktGiftCardToLabel. append gktGiftCardToInputField gktGiftCardInputReceiverEmail. append gktGiftCardEmailLabel. append gktGiftCardEmailInputField.

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append gktGiftCardInputReceiverEmail gktGiftCardInputFieldsDiv. append gktGiftCardInputSenderName gktGiftCardInputFieldsDiv. attr "for", "gktGiftCardMessage". giftNotePlaceholder let gktVideoMsgButton; gkt. addClass "gktGiftCardMessageDivider" let gktVideoMsgCheckboxWrapper; let gktVideoMsgCheckboxLabel; if gkt.

addClass "gktVideoMsgButton". attr "type", "button". addClass "gktVideoMsgCheckboxLabel". attr "for", "gktVideoMsgCheckbox".

addClass "gktVideoMsgCheckboxWrapper". addClass "gktVideoMsgSlider". attr "id", "gktVideoMsgSlider" ; if gkt. attr "type", "file". addClass "gktVideoMessageFileInput". attr "id", "gktVideoMessageFileInput". attr "capture", "user". attr "type", "checkbox".

on "click", function { gktVideoMsgCheckboxField. trigger "click" if gktVideoMsgCheckboxField. is ":checked" { gktVideoMsgSlider. addClass "gktVideoMsgSliderActive" gktVideoMessageFileInput. click ; }else{ gktVideoMsgSlider.

removeClass "gktVideoMsgSliderActive" gkt. clickClose event ; } } gktVideoMessageFileInput. on "change", async function {target} { console.

log "file input changed target", target if target. length { try { gkt. prepareVideoMsgPlayer console. log "target. files[0]", target. files[0] gkt. files[0]; gkt. attr "src",URL. createObjectURL gkt. recordedBlob ; gkt. covertBlobToBase64 target. log error,"error occured while uploading file" } }else{ gktVideoMsgSlider.

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clickClose event ; } } } gktVideoMsgCheckboxWrapper. append gktVideoMsgCheckboxField gktVideoMsgCheckboxWrapper. addClass "gktVideoMessageCheckboxRow" gktVideoMessageCheckboxRow. append gktVideoMsgCheckboxLabel. addClass "gktGiftCardMessageInputFieldsDiv" gktGiftCardMessageInputFieldsDiv.

append gktGiftCardMessageLabel. displayGiftCardDetailsForm ; gktGiftCardMessage. append gktGiftCardModalBackButton ; gktGiftCardMessage. append gktGiftCardMessageInputFieldsDiv gktGiftCardMessage. append gktVideoMsgButton gktGiftCardMessage.

find "input". is ":checked" ; if isGreetingCardEnabled { gkt. giftCardDetailsNavItem , visited:false,active:false} ; if! isSendToSelfChecked { gkt. giftcardMessageNavItem , visited:false,active:false} ; } }, renderGiftCardModalNav: function { console.

addClass "gktGiftCardModalNavListItem". html gktGiftCardModalNavList[i]. name ; gkt. visited { gktGiftCardModalNavListItem. addClass "activeNavItem" ; } let gktGiftCardModalNavListItemSpan; if i ".

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length { gkt. replaceWith gktGiftCardModalNavHTML } else{ gkt. append gktGiftCardModalNavHTML } if gkt. replaceWith gktGiftCardModalNavForMobileHTML } else{ gkt. off "click" ; gkt. giftcardDetailsButton ; gkt. applyButtonCSS gkt. gktGiftCardContentFooterBtn1" ; gkt.

on "click", function event { gkt. onDetailsSubmit event } gkt. renderGiftCardModalNav ; gkt. greetingCardContinueButtonText ; gkt. buyNowButtonText ; gkt. onMessageSubmit event } gkt. renderGiftCardModalNav ; }, displayGreetingCardForm:function { gkt.

hideGiftCardMessageBody ; gkt. hideGiftCardDetailsBody ; gkt. find function item { if item. showGreetingCardBody ; gkt. attachEventsToGreetingCardForm ; }, displayGiftCardDetailsForm : function { gkt. hideGreetingCardBody ; gkt.

showGiftCardDetailsBody gkt. attachEventsToDetailsForm ; }, displayMessageForm: function { gkt. showGiftCardMessageBody ; gkt. gktGiftCardInputFieldsDiv input".

each function { if gkt. is ":visible" { if gkt. indexOf " " ; if atSymbol new Date new Date. buyNowButtonTextLoading ; return true; } else if! emailValidationError ; return; }else if! dateValid { gkt. dateValidationError ; return; } else { return; } }, }, action: { giftCardAddToCartButton: async function e { e.

preventDefault ; e. stopPropagation ; gkt. openGiftCardModal console. hide ; }, onModalBack:function e { gkt. showGreetingCardBody gkt. hideGiftCardDetailsBody }, removeCheckmarkDivsFromSiblings: function element { element. find ".

remove element. find "img". attr "src" } console. attr "src", imageSrc gkt. prop "checked", true gkt. addCheckMarkDivs gkt. removeCheckmarkDivsFromSiblings gkt. log "onGreetingCardCategoryClick" ; gkt. removeClass "activeGreetingCardCategory" gkt. changeGreetingCardImageList gkt.

is ":checked" ; if! show ; gkt. giftcardMessageNavItem ,visited:false,active:false} } } else{ gkt. hide ; gkt. find function element { if element. splice gkt. modalNavList gkt. renderGiftCardModalNav ; }, onMessageSubmit: async function e { e. is ":checked"!

addToCartV2 { "items": [ { "id": selectedVariantId, "quantity": quantity? redirectUrlForSendGiftcardBtn console. log "onMessageSubmit-clicked" }, onGreetingCardSubmit: async function e { e. greetingCardSelectedCategory; gkt. displayGiftCardDetailsForm ; }, onDetailsSubmit: async function e { e.

preventDefault ; console. is ":checked" ; if formValid { if isSendToSelfChecked { gkt. onMessageSubmit e ; return; } gkt. displayMessageForm ; } else return; }, hideGreetingCardBody: function { gkt.

hide ; }, showGreetingCardBody: function { gkt. show ; }, showGiftCardDetailsBody: function { gkt. show ; }, hideGiftCardDetailsBody: function { gkt. hide ; }, hideGiftCardMessageBody: function { gkt. hide ; }, showGiftCardMessageBody: function { gkt. id { gkt. prepareUI gkt.

insertIntoCartPageWrapper settings, accountWidgetCartPageHTML } gkt. gktAccountWidgetModal" modalWrapper. addClass "gktAccountWidgetModalClose".

append closeButtonSvg modalCloseBtn. addClass "gktAccountWidgetBodyTabRewards". addClass "gktAccountWidgetBodyTabGiftCards". giftCardsTabText gkt. applySubTextColorCSS gktAccountWidgetBodyTabs ; gktAccountWidgetBodyTabs. append gktAccountWidgetBodyTabRewards gktAccountWidgetBodyTabs.

showRewardSection ; gktAccountWidgetBodyTabGiftCards. showGiftCardSection ; gktAccountWidgetBody. prepareGiftCardSection gktAccountWidgetBody.

append gktAccountWidgetRewardSection gktAccountWidgetBody. append gktAccountWidgetBuyWithRewardsButton modalContent. append gktAccountWidgetRewardDetailsHTML modalContent.

append gktAccountWidgetBody modalWrapper. append modalCloseBtn modalWrapper. append modalContent modalWrapper. preparePoweredByBannerUI return modalWrapper; }, fetchLoggedInUserAndUpdateUI: async function { gkt.

reRenderModalUI ; await gkt. getLoggedInCustomer ; gkt. addClass "gktAccountWidgetActivator" ; gkt. applyButtonCSS widgetActivator ; widgetActivator. css "cursor", "pointer" ; widgetActivator. addClass "gktAccountWidgetModalWrapper" widgetModalWrapper.

prepareWidgetModal accountWidgetHTML. append widgetActivator console. log "prepare ui called" gkt. append widgetModalWrapper return accountWidgetHTML; }, prepareRewardGiftCardDetails: function { let gktAccountWidgetRewardDetails; if gkt. addClass "gktAccountWidgetRewardBalance".

renderLanguageValue generalSettingsLanguageData. rewardBalanceLabel "Reward Balance 1" gkt. applySubTextColorCSS gktAccountWidgetRewardBalanceValue gktAccountWidgetRewardBalanceValue. text rewardBalanceValue gktAccountWidgetRewardBalance. addClass "gktRewardCode". addClass "gktAccountWidgetRewardCodeValue" ; gkt.

decryptCode; } gkt. applyMainTextColorCSS gktRewardCode gktAccountWidgetRewardCodeValue. text rewardCodeValue gktRewardCode. addClass "gktAccountWidgetRewardCodeCopyBtn". append gktAccountWidgetRewardCodeCopyBtn gktAccountWidgetRewardDetails.

append gktAccountWidgetRewardBalance gktAccountWidgetRewardDetails. append gktRewardCode return gktAccountWidgetRewardDetails; }, prepareRewardSection: function { let gktAccountWidgetRewardSection; if gkt. gktAccountWidgetRewardSection" ; gkt. addClass "gktAccountWidgetRewardSectionBodyList" if gkt.

addClass "gktAccountWidgetHeaderForCode". renderLanguageValue rewardSectionLanguageData. addClass "gktAccountWidgetHeaderForExpirationDate". expirationDateLabel "Exp. addClass "gktAccountWidgetHeaderForRemarks". remarksLabel "Remarks 1" gktAccountWidgetRewardSectionBodyListHeader. append gktAccountWidgetHeaderForCode gktAccountWidgetRewardSectionBodyListHeader.

append gktAccountWidgetHeaderForExpirationDate gktAccountWidgetRewardSectionBodyListHeader. append gktAccountWidgetHeaderForRemarks gktAccountWidgetRewardSectionBodyListHTML.

append gktAccountWidgetRewardSectionBodyListHeader if rewardTransactions. substring 0,10 : rewardTransaction. addClass "gktAccountWidgetRewardSectionBodyListItemBalance".

html balanceFormatted if rewardTransaction. append balanceFieldDiv gktAccountWidgetRewardSectionBodyListItem. addClass "gktAccountWidgetRewardSectionBodyListItemExpirationDate".

html expiryDateFormatted "-" gktAccountWidgetRewardSectionBodyListItem. addClass "gktAccountWidgetRewardSectionBodyListItemRemarks". html rewardTransaction.

text gktAccountWidgetRewardSectionBodyListHTML. append gktAccountWidgetRewardSectionBodyListItem gkt. applyMainTextColorCSS gktAccountWidgetRewardSectionBodyListItem ; } gkt.

prepareEmptyStateForRewardSection ; gktAccountWidgetRewardSectionBodyListHTML. html noRewardFound } gktAccountWidgetRewardSectionBody. append gktAccountWidgetRewardSectionBodyListHTML }else{ gktAccountWidgetRewardSectionBody.

displayLoadingSpinner } gktAccountWidgetRewardSection. append gktAccountWidgetRewardSectionBody return gktAccountWidgetRewardSection }, prepareGiftCardSection: function { let gktAccountWidgetGiftCardSection; if gkt. gktAccountWidgetGiftCardSection" ; gkt. addClass "gktAccountWidgetGiftCardSectionBodyList" if gkt.

giftcards; if customerGiftCards. addClass "gktAccountWidgetGiftCardSectionListHeaderForCode". renderLanguageValue giftcardSectionLanguageData. addClass "gktAccountWidgetGiftCardSectionListHeaderForBalance".

addClass "gktAccountWidgetGiftCardSectionListHeaderForExpirationDate". addClass "gktAccountWidgetGiftCardSectionListHeaderForAction".

actionHeaderLabel "Action1" gktAccountWidgetGiftCardSectionListHeader. append gktAccountWidgetGiftCardSectionListHeaderForCode gktAccountWidgetGiftCardSectionListHeader. append gktAccountWidgetGiftCardSectionListHeaderForBalance gktAccountWidgetGiftCardSectionListHeader. append gktAccountWidgetGiftCardSectionListHeaderForExpirationDate gktAccountWidgetGiftCardSectionListHeader.

append gktAccountWidgetGiftCardSectionListHeaderForAction gktAccountWidgetGiftCardSectionBodyListHTML. append gktAccountWidgetGiftCardSectionListHeader customerGiftCards. addClass "gktAccountWidgetGiftCardSectionBodyListItemForCode".

addClass "gktAccountWidgetGiftCardSectionBodyListItemForBalance". addClass "gktAccountWidgetGiftCardSectionBodyListItemForExpirationDate". html customerGiftCard. addClass "gktAccountWidgetGiftCardSectionBodyListItemForAddToAccount" ; if customerGiftCard. addClass "gktAccountWidgetGiftCardSectionBodyListItemForAddToAccountButton".

append addToAccountButton gkt. applyButtonCSS addToAccountButton ; gktAccountWidgetGiftCardSectionBodyListItemForAddToAccount. attr "data-giftcard-id", customerGiftCard. gktGiftcardId ; gktAccountWidgetGiftCardSectionBodyListItemForAddToAccount. addGiftCardToRewardCode } gktAccountWidgetGiftCardSectionBodyListItem.

append gktAccountWidgetGiftCardSectionBodyListItemForCode gktAccountWidgetGiftCardSectionBodyListItem. append gktAccountWidgetGiftCardSectionBodyListItemForBalance gktAccountWidgetGiftCardSectionBodyListItem.

append gktAccountWidgetGiftCardSectionBodyListItemForExpirationDate gktAccountWidgetGiftCardSectionBodyListItem. append gktAccountWidgetGiftCardSectionBodyListItemForAddToAccount gktAccountWidgetGiftCardSectionBodyListHTML. append gktAccountWidgetGiftCardSectionBodyListItem } gkt.

applySubTextColorCSS gktAccountWidgetGiftCardSectionListHeader ; gktAccountWidgetGiftCardSection. prepareEmptyStateForGiftCardSection ; gktAccountWidgetGiftCardSectionBodyListHTML. html noGiftcardFoundHTML } gktAccountWidgetGiftCardSection. append gktAccountWidgetGiftCardSectionBodyListHTML }else{ gktAccountWidgetGiftCardSection.

addClass "gktAccountWidgetNoGiftCardDataFoundMainText". addClass "gktAccountWidgetNoGiftCardDataFoundSubText". html noDataFoundSubText gkt. applyMainTextColorCSS noGiftcardFoundMainTextHTML ; gkt.

applySubTextColorCSS noGiftcardFoundSubTextHTML ; noGiftcardFoundHTML. append noGiftcardFoundMainTextHTML. append " ". addClass "gktAccountWidgetNoRewardDataFoundMainText". addClass "gktAccountWidgetNoRewardDataFoundSubText".

applyMainTextColorCSS noRewardFoundMainTextHTML ; gkt. applySubTextColorCSS noRewardFoundSubTextHTML ; noRewardsFound. append noRewardFoundMainTextHTML. append noRewardFoundSubTextHTML ; return noRewardsFound; }, insertIntoCartPageWrapper: function settings, accountWidgetCartPageHTML { gkt.

prepareRewardSection gkt. prepareRewardGiftCardDetails ; gkt. prepareBuyWithRewardsButton ; }, applyMainTextColorCSS: function element { if gkt. mainTextColor; element. css "color", mainTextColor } }, applySubTextColorCSS: function element { if gkt. subTextColor; element. css "color", subTextColor } }, applyButtonCSS: function element { if gkt.

buttonColor; element. css "background-color", buttonColor } if gkt. buttonTextColor; element. css "color", buttonTextColor } }, reRenderModalUI: function { gkt. prepareWidgetModal ; if gkt. activeTabFn { gkt. generalSettings; let gktAccountWidgetBuyWithRewardsButton; if gkt.

gktAccountWidgetBuyWithRewardsButton" ; gktAccountWidgetBuyWithRewardsButton. addClass "gktAccountWidgetBuyWithRewardsButton" } gktAccountWidgetBuyWithRewardsButton. buyWithRewardsButtonText "Buy with Rewards" if gkt. decryptCode { gktAccountWidgetBuyWithRewardsButton.

buyWithRewardsClicked ; gktAccountWidgetBuyWithRewardsButton. removeClass "gktDisabled" ; }else{ gktAccountWidgetBuyWithRewardsButton. addClass "gktDisabled" ; } gkt.

applyButtonCSS gktAccountWidgetBuyWithRewardsButton ; return gktAccountWidgetBuyWithRewardsButton; }, }, action: { openAccountWidgetModal: function { gkt. css "display", "grid" ; gkt. css "display", "none" gkt. val rewardCode gkt.

append rewardCodeInput rewardCodeInput. select document. execCommand "copy" rewardCodeInput. html "Copied" }, showRewardSection: function { console. log "showRewardsTab" ; gkt. removeClass "gktAccountWidgetBodyTabActive" gkt. addClass "gktAccountWidgetBodyTabActive" gkt.

showRewardSection; }, showGiftCardSection: function { console. log "showGiftCardsTab" gkt. attr "data-giftcard-id" gkt. addingCodeToRewardsText "adding addGiftCardToRewardCodeAPI giftCardId if addToReward { gkt.

addedCodeToRewardText "Added1" ; gkt. css "opacity", "0. css "border-radius", "2px" gkt. errorMessage "Error occured! removeClass "gktDisabled" gkt. removeClass "gktDisabled" }, buyWithRewardsClicked: async function { try{ gkt. addClass "gktDisabled" gkt. buyWithRewardsButtonLoadingText "Loading Checkout decryptCode }catch e { console.

log "error", e gkt. removeClass "gktDisabled" } }, }, }, gktMessage:{ init: function settings, parent { gkt. checkifGiftMessageEnabled settings. prepareUI settings, productHandle, parent gkt. insertIntoProductPageWrapper settings, giftMessageProductPageHTML gkt.

overWriteBuyNowBtn gkt. isGiftMessageEnabled { return {isEnabledOnProductPage, isEnabledOnCartPage} } if giftMessage. addClass 'gktGiftMessageTextArea'.

attr "placeholder", settings. addClass 'gktGiftMessageInputCheckboxEle'. attr "type", "checkbox" if gkt. getNoteFromCart { inputCheckboxEle. getNoteFromCart gktGiftMessageTextArea. css "display", "block" } gktGiftMessageItemContainerCheckboxLable.

append inputCheckboxEle gktGiftMessageItemContainerCheckboxLable. addClass 'gktGiftMessageItemContainerLabelText'. html settings. giftMessageHeadingLabel gktGiftMessageItemContainerCheckboxLable. append gktGiftMessageItemContainerLableText gktGiftMessageItemContainer.

append gktGiftMessageItemContainerCheckboxLable gktGiftMessageContainer. append gktGiftMessageItemContainer gktGiftMessageContainer. append gktGiftMessageTextArea gkt. find '. css "display", "block" } gkt. on "keyup ", ". onGiftMessageTextAreakeyup event,settings, parent } return gktGiftMessageContainer }, insertIntoProductPageWrapper: function settings, giftMessageHTML { gkt.

css "display", "block" gkt. append giftMessageHTML ; }, insertIntoCartPageWrapper: function settings, giftMessageHTML { gkt.

timer { clearTimeout gkt. timer ; gkt. updateCart updateCartData. getProductPageHandle settings console. log "videoMesageInitialize" ; if gkt. isVideoMessagingEnabled { gkt. registerEvents gkt. gktVideoMsgButton", gkt. addClass "gktRecorder" console. addClass "gktRecorderCloseBtn".

on "click", function e { gkt. svg" gktRecorderCloseBtn. addClass "gktVideoPlayer". attr "autoplay", true. prop "muted", true. addClass "gktPermissionDenied gktVideoPlayerHide". addClass "gktVideoPlayerStatus".

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Healthy Snacks At The Grocery Store - What To Buy \u0026 Avoid Fruit and Snacks in the Office?

By Megul

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