Sample collection resource aggregator

A module defines its contributions by using a plugin. xml or JSON file. Use the Theme Optimization Analyzer to view, but not edit, all parts of the theme optimization framework inside of HCL Portal. With the portlet, you can easily see which pages have specific profiles that are set or inherited.

You can also see which profiles are available and belong to which theme. You can specify the profiles that you want to use two different ways depending on whether you are an administrator or a user.

Profiles help define which modules are used to render a page. Theme modules contribute resources, such as JavaScript, CSS and HTML, to a theme or page. The following modules come with the modularized theme and specifically contribute a feature rather than working in the background.

The modules can be added to a theme by listing them in the theme's default profile, or to a single page or set of pages. To add or remove a module, update the profile that is used to render a page for the theme. With the Simple Theme, you can create, copy, and customize themes in minutes with just a few clicks and far fewer files than the Portal 8.

Modern websites and browsers enable incredible new capabilities that can greatly enhance your user's web experiences. However, these capabilities are not without cost in terms of large page sizes and more processing in the browser when each page is rendered.

These capabilities are worth it when you need them, but removing them for an entire site or including them only on pages that take advantage of these capabilities provides for more flexibility.

The module framework allows themes to be customized in order to provide flexibility, enhance the user experience, and maximize performance. Device classes are used in HCL Digital Experience as an abstraction for common properties for the device of a client.

For instance, tablet computers can be grouped into a device class tablets, since they share a form factor and possibly other traits such as touch interface, or additional hardware sensors.

Responsive Web Design provides content parity between mobile devices and desktop channels, which enhances user experience and brand consistency. Seamless changes in screen size, from small to large, are now possible while the order of the content is maintained.

Content maintenance is simplified by having one site that is represented by one set of assets. Generating Portal URLs correctly is one of the most important tasks in programming an HCL Portal based application.

There are several programming tools and techniques available for generating HCL Portal URLs in custom code. The following section introduces the programming tools available and discusses when it is most appropriate to use each of the tools. Models provide information that is needed by HCL Digital Experience to perform tasks such as content aggregation or building navigation to browse the aggregated content.

The information that is aggregated is represented through models that can be accessed programmatically by using the Model SPI read-only. The information of a model is usually persistent stored in a database but can also be transient computed and stored only in memory.

Models can be represented by using a tree structure nodes have a parent-child relationship , a list structure, or a selection structure a selected element in a tree structure.

You can use the Controller SPI for portal administration. It allows you to modify portal resources. It enhances the read-only portal Model SPI by adding writable aspects. The Portal User Management Architecture PUMA System programming interface SPI provides interfaces for accessing the profiles of a portal User or Group.

Portal Access Control provides interfaces for retrieving and modifying and access control information of portal resources, such as portlets or pages.

Get an overview of the process of creating portlets, learn about the concepts of the APIs used to develop portlets, and view the samples to get you started. Also, learn about integrating features such as single sign-on, cooperative sharing of information using the property broker, and migrating Struts applications to the portlet environment.

HCL Digital Experience 8. The bridge provides customers an interface to developing and running JSF Portlets. Learn more about what you can do with the Web Developer Toolkit for HCL Digital Experience.

The Script Application enables script developers to create portlets for HCL Digital Experience with HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. You can use the Web Content Manager API to extend functions of HCL Web Content Manager. The following document describes the API call to search HCL Digital Experience.

You can search HCL Digital Experience to find content that contains a specific text string in its title or content, or is tagged with a specific tag. Developers can enhance and extend the tagging and rating features of the portal. For this purpose the portal tagging and rating feature provides service APIs that you can use to enhance tagging and rating by your requirements.

You can configure an authoring portlet to use a launch page of your own design instead of the default user interface. You can use custom HTML editors in all HTML fields of the authoring interface or specific HTML elements that are defined in an authoring template.

Custom HTML fields are used to integrate third-party editors into the authoring interface. Remote actions are used to trigger actions from the HCL Web Content Manager application.

A custom plug-in is a reusable Java class that you create to run a task. You can create custom plug-ins such as custom workflow actions, plug-ins to run when a page is rendered, plug-ins to store multi-locale text strings and plug-ins to run when a file is uploaded.

You can use the Digital Data Connector DDC for HCL Portal framework to integrate data from external data sources on your portal pages by using HCL Web Content Manager presentation components. External data means that the data does not need to be stored directly in HCL Web Content Manager.

For example, you can use DDC to render social data that you have on your HCL Connections server or on other social platforms in the context of your portal pages. Other possible data sources include news feeds, task lists, product catalog information, to name just a few.

To determine the current web content context of a portal page or Web Content Viewer portlet, you can use the WCM Page Context Service. This service provides the ID of the currently rendered item of a page or portlet. Application developers can use Representational State Transfer REST services to work with Web Content Manager.

The REST service for Web Content Manager provides authoring access to content items and elements. The API design for version 2. You display data from external sources, such as SQL databases, by using the same methods as you would when you create a website.

Web Content Manager supports for the notification of events such as item state changes, or services starting and stopping. These notifications can be delivered as messages to the Java messaging service. Reference copy of API, SPI, Javadoc, and more, for HCL Digital Experience 8.

Solution developers can create their own Portal Application Archive PAA files. The developers can then use the Configuration Wizard to add on their applications to their HCL Digital Experience environment.

Developers can create their own advanced Portal Application Archive PAA file. The advanced PAA file contains custom content. The HCL UX Screen Flow Manager helps operators, developers, and dialog modelers develop fine-granular, small split portlets.

Learn to configure the sequence, transitions, and workflow of a set of screens. This section helps you resolve problems, use diagnostic tools and tracing to capture HCL Digital Experience system errors. View information that can help you use the Digital Experience Help Center including directory conventions, terms of use, trademarks, a glossary, and more.

The Content Template CTC is a set of templates that accelerate the process of building a website. The module framework is based on modules that are specified in a profile, and a profile is assigned to a page. It takes all of the resources coming from the modules and aggregates, or combines, them into as few URIs to link on the page as possible to achieve optimal performance.

Non-deferred modules are kept separate from deferred modules, so there ends up being two sets of URIs. For more information on how to create modules and profiles, see Writing modules.

For more information on how to assign a profile, see Specifying profiles. In addition to processing the modules coming from the profile, the Resource Aggregator can also process all of the modules coming from the capability dependencies of all of the portlets on a page.

The Resource Aggregator processes portlet modules for any theme that has its metadata resourceaggregation. autoLoadPortletCapabilities property set to true. For more information about how to set this metadata flag, see Changing the auto-loading of portlet capabilities.

For more information about how to specify portlet capability dependencies, see Module dependencies in portlets. With auto-loading of portlet capabilities on, the Resource Aggregator also processes all of the modules coming from all of the capability dependencies of all of the portlets on the page.

It processes them while also processing the modules coming from the profile. If the same module or subcontribution is encountered more than once, priority is given in the following order, first-to-last.

In this situation an error will be thrown. Sampler aggregation edit. Example use cases: Tightening the focus of analytics to high-relevance matches rather than the potentially very long tail of low-quality matches Reducing the running cost of aggregations that can produce useful results using only samples e.

AWS Config enables compliance automation, allowing you to manage continuous change while staying in line with compliance and governance requirements. It is a fully-managed service that enhances security and governance by providing you with an AWS resource inventory, configuration history, and configuration change notifications.

Config Rules enables you to create rules that automatically check the configuration of AWS resources as recorded by AWS Config. With this service you can discover existing and deleted AWS resources, determine your overall compliance against rules, and dive into the configuration details of a resource at any point in time.

These capabilities enable compliance auditing, security analysis, resource change tracking, and troubleshooting. AWS Config continuously monitors and records our configurations and allows us to automate the evaluation against desired configurations.

By utilising the Aggregator feature we can collect configuration and compliance data from multiple accounts and regions for the following use cases:. The aggregator account can be the master account as part of AWS Organizations or a different account. Using the master account is easier because you are automatically authorised to aggregate logs from all the accounts that are part of your AWS Organization.

We will proceed with this setup in our example. The simplest way to action rule violations are through managed remediation actions.

Here are some examples:. The managed remediation actions are SSM Automation Documents and we will use one later on in this example. These are the detailed steps that are required to get an aggregated view for all accounts and regions within an AWS Organization:.

We create a new S3 bucket in the aggregator account. This bucket will later be used by all source accounts to store the Config log files. Now we need to deploy the Recorder and Delivery Channel as a StackSet to our Organization. We create a StackSet by deploying our CloudFormation template with the following command:.

After the StackSet is created we need to create our AWS resources within all accounts and specified regions in our Organization with the following command:. There can only be one Recorder and one Delivery Channel in each account.

If there are issues the following commands will help to find out more:. Before setting up the Aggregator we need to make sure that all features in our Organization are enabled.

Data aggregation is the process of collecting data to present it in summary form, making it easier to conduct statistical analysis and improve business $sample is the first stage of the pipeline. N is less than 5% of the total documents in the collection. The collection contains more than documents Set the following properties in the WP ConfigService Resource Environment Provider to configure the resource aggregator

Filtering and aggregation: manipulating time series


Ultimate News Aggregator plugin - example of a promo video for a news aggregator site created by it

Sample collection resource aggregator - Data aggregation is the process where raw data is gathered and expressed in a summary form for statistical analysis. For example, raw data can be aggregated Data aggregation is the process of collecting data to present it in summary form, making it easier to conduct statistical analysis and improve business $sample is the first stage of the pipeline. N is less than 5% of the total documents in the collection. The collection contains more than documents Set the following properties in the WP ConfigService Resource Environment Provider to configure the resource aggregator

We create a new S3 bucket in the aggregator account. This bucket will later be used by all source accounts to store the Config log files. Now we need to deploy the Recorder and Delivery Channel as a StackSet to our Organization. We create a StackSet by deploying our CloudFormation template with the following command:.

After the StackSet is created we need to create our AWS resources within all accounts and specified regions in our Organization with the following command:. There can only be one Recorder and one Delivery Channel in each account.

If there are issues the following commands will help to find out more:. Before setting up the Aggregator we need to make sure that all features in our Organization are enabled. We define the Aggregator and the IAM role in a CloudFormation template:.

Resources: ConfigAggregator: Type: AWS::Config::ConfigurationAggregator Properties: ConfigurationAggregatorName:! Ref AggregatorName OrganizationAggregationSource: AllAwsRegions: true RoleArn:!

GetAtt OrgRecorderRole. Arn OrgRecorderRole: Type: AWS::IAM::Role Properties: AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Version: Statement: - Effect: Allow Principal: Service: - config. Please note, there is a separate IAM service role for Config deployments to our Organization called AWSConfigRoleForOrganizations.

Since we only need one Aggregator we deploy the template as a CloudFormation Stack - not as a StackSet. Optionally we can send SNS notifications to a topic.

If we do that then the SNS topic must have policies that grant access permissions to AWS Config. As a first step we created a S3 bucket in the aggregator account that can be used by the source accounts. We now need to setup the S3 bucket policy to make sure the source accounts can write to the bucket:.

com" }, "Action": "s3:GetBucketAcl", "Resource": "arn:aws:sawsconfigconforms-bachlmayr" }, { "Sid": "AWSConfigBucketDelivery", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": "config. Once we have setup the Aggregator and the bucket policy we can see which accounts are being monitored:.

Recently, AWS released a new Config feature called Conformance Packs. Google Analytics is likely the best data aggregator in terms of website metrics.

Simply select the results that you want to see and its data aggregation process will do the rest for you. Sales data is ripe with atomic data records. Atomic data represents the lowest level of detail, i.

For a sales team of a large-scale business, thousands of such sales data records definitely wouldn't help gather insights. Aggregated data, however, that shows a sum of total items sold in a quarter is another story.

In other words, data aggregation is crucial to improving business intelligence. There are various other benefits that can enhance your data analysis and provide new insights , but the key takeaway is this: data aggregation is crucial for data analysts. If you'd like to try out Coresignal's Company API that allows you to collect always fresh company data according to filters that interest you, make sure to request a free trial below.

After evaluating your request we will grant you a certain amount of free credits which you can use to retrieve the needed records. There are a few types of data aggregation: time, spatial, manual, and automated being the most common. There are two primary types of data aggregation: time aggregation and spatial aggregation.

The former method involves gathering all data points for one resource over a specific period of time. The latter technique consists of collecting all data points for a group of resources over a given time period.

As you can probably imagine, manual aggregation is generally much more time-consuming than its automated counterpart. Manual aggregation can sometimes take up to several hours or even days. DataView® is an example of such a software tool that is also utilized for risk management purposes.

There are countless aggregation tools and you most likely use at least one of them even if you're not aware of it. Here are 3 most popular aggregation tools:. Businesses frequently gather large amounts of data about their online customers and other website visitors.

In the case of any company that sells a product or service online, aggregated data might include statistics on customer demographics e. as well as behavior indicators e. Today, many finance and investment companies utilize public web data to advise their clients on important decisions and make predictions on market trends.

Much of this information is derived from news articles on stock market variations and other relevant industry trends. Financial services firms use data aggregators to issue daily, quarterly, and annual reports that contain detailed analyses of industry events.

Data aggregation thus saves investment executives a significant amount of time they would otherwise spend browsing each individual news outlet manually. Manual data aggregation can also sometimes be ineffective because missing information may lead to unreliable datasets.

There are several objectives to utilizing data aggregation processes in the travel industry. These include acquiring market knowledge, competitor research, price monitoring, and customer sentiment analysis.

Travel companies can also use data aggregation to select images for the services listed on their websites or to view and analyze trends and information on property availability and transportation costs.

Firms in this industry also typically need to remain informed about which destinations are the most popular each season these can change from one year to the next and which demographic groups to target in travel ads. Why is data aggregation important in marketing? It allows to combine data and create a marketing dashboard that's a lot more comfortable to use and analyze.

It also enables data-driven predictive analytics as to what content unit's optimization would bring the most value. Data aggregators work to provide marketing teams with critical insights that would probably be missed with aggregation that is performed manually.

You are responsible for representing the entire organization online. Therefore, automated aggregation is the process that will help you keep the representation at higher levels. Many data experts agree that there are three distinct levels of data aggregation: beginner, intermediate, and master.

Here is a close look at each of these levels. Beginner-level data aggregation typically involves observing your marketing platforms to observe their traffic rates. Specifically, you can calculate and assess key metrics such as lead conversion rates, bounce rates, exit rates, click-through rates, and average cost per lead.

However, you will likely still be missing a significant amount of relevant data, which means your business decisions will only be mildly informed.

This level of data aggregation can include the use of a spreadsheet to record and monitor data. Setting up a website includes, creating pages, adding navigation, setting up search, and adding content to the site.

Themes are used to customize the portal's look-and-feel. Out-of-the-box templates and the site wizard can help you set up your portal site faster.

You can add wikis and blogs to your site and let users tag and rate content on your site. During portal solution development, the solution is initially developed, tested, and refined on one server or a limited number of servers. The solution is deployed later on live systems, referred to as the production environment.

The process of moving the solution from the development environment to the production environment is called staging. Install HCL Digital Experience and then immediately change to a developer mode environment. Use this environment when you develop applications, themes, portals, and portlets.

Startup performance is improved within a developer mode environment. HCL Digital Experience contains an instance of the Dojo Toolkit, a JavaScript library that is based on the Dojo Toolkit. When you develop components that use Dojo, you must be aware of how the portal uses Dojo, and the tips and restrictions when you use Dojo.

Theme creation and customization are easy when you use the Theme Manager and download your static theme files by using a WebDAV client. This roadmap provides an overview of the theme creation and customization process. Links to detailed instructions for each step are provided in the roadmap.

Before you begin to develop themes, learn about the resources and the tools you can leverage to create and customize them.

The theme modularization framework foresees the following major artifacts and relations to one another. Modules can contribute different types of data to the extension points within the page. The module framework allows a profile to specify whether to defer a particular module.

By default, a module is loaded when the initial page loads, but modules that are specified as deferred modules are loaded after the page loads. When a portlet requires existing client-side capabilities, such as Dojo, loaded on the page, it can define a set of portlet preferences that declare the capabilities it requires.

You can determine whether portlets automatically load their dependent capabilities for a theme. To decrease the response time of your portal, a template parser resolves which modules are needed and collects all of the modules that are enabled by the current profile.

Parts of the content are parsed and displayed as soon as possible. You can define global or theme-specific contributions that contain a theme module, which applies to different scopes through theme profiles.

A module defines its contributions by using a plugin. xml or JSON file. Use the Theme Optimization Analyzer to view, but not edit, all parts of the theme optimization framework inside of HCL Portal.

With the portlet, you can easily see which pages have specific profiles that are set or inherited. You can also see which profiles are available and belong to which theme.

You can specify the profiles that you want to use two different ways depending on whether you are an administrator or a user. Profiles help define which modules are used to render a page. Theme modules contribute resources, such as JavaScript, CSS and HTML, to a theme or page.

The following modules come with the modularized theme and specifically contribute a feature rather than working in the background. The modules can be added to a theme by listing them in the theme's default profile, or to a single page or set of pages.

To add or remove a module, update the profile that is used to render a page for the theme. With the Simple Theme, you can create, copy, and customize themes in minutes with just a few clicks and far fewer files than the Portal 8.

Modern websites and browsers enable incredible new capabilities that can greatly enhance your user's web experiences. However, these capabilities are not without cost in terms of large page sizes and more processing in the browser when each page is rendered.

These capabilities are worth it when you need them, but removing them for an entire site or including them only on pages that take advantage of these capabilities provides for more flexibility. The module framework allows themes to be customized in order to provide flexibility, enhance the user experience, and maximize performance.

Device classes are used in HCL Digital Experience as an abstraction for common properties for the device of a client. For instance, tablet computers can be grouped into a device class tablets, since they share a form factor and possibly other traits such as touch interface, or additional hardware sensors.

Responsive Web Design provides content parity between mobile devices and desktop channels, which enhances user experience and brand consistency. Seamless changes in screen size, from small to large, are now possible while the order of the content is maintained.

Content maintenance is simplified by having one site that is represented by one set of assets. Generating Portal URLs correctly is one of the most important tasks in programming an HCL Portal based application.

There are several programming tools and techniques available for generating HCL Portal URLs in custom code. The following section introduces the programming tools available and discusses when it is most appropriate to use each of the tools.

Models provide information that is needed by HCL Digital Experience to perform tasks such as content aggregation or building navigation to browse the aggregated content.

The information that is aggregated is represented through models that can be accessed programmatically by using the Model SPI read-only. The information of a model is usually persistent stored in a database but can also be transient computed and stored only in memory. Models can be represented by using a tree structure nodes have a parent-child relationship , a list structure, or a selection structure a selected element in a tree structure.

You can use the Controller SPI for portal administration. It allows you to modify portal resources. It enhances the read-only portal Model SPI by adding writable aspects. The Portal User Management Architecture PUMA System programming interface SPI provides interfaces for accessing the profiles of a portal User or Group.

Portal Access Control provides interfaces for retrieving and modifying and access control information of portal resources, such as portlets or pages. Get an overview of the process of creating portlets, learn about the concepts of the APIs used to develop portlets, and view the samples to get you started.

Also, learn about integrating features such as single sign-on, cooperative sharing of information using the property broker, and migrating Struts applications to the portlet environment.

HCL Digital Experience 8. The bridge provides customers an interface to developing and running JSF Portlets. Learn more about what you can do with the Web Developer Toolkit for HCL Digital Experience.

The Script Application enables script developers to create portlets for HCL Digital Experience with HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. You can use the Web Content Manager API to extend functions of HCL Web Content Manager.

The following document describes the API call to search HCL Digital Experience. You can search HCL Digital Experience to find content that contains a specific text string in its title or content, or is tagged with a specific tag. Developers can enhance and extend the tagging and rating features of the portal.

For this purpose the portal tagging and rating feature provides service APIs that you can use to enhance tagging and rating by your requirements.

You can configure an authoring portlet to use a launch page of your own design instead of the default user interface. You can use custom HTML editors in all HTML fields of the authoring interface or specific HTML elements that are defined in an authoring template.

Custom HTML fields are used to integrate third-party editors into the authoring interface. Remote actions are used to trigger actions from the HCL Web Content Manager application. A custom plug-in is a reusable Java class that you create to run a task.

You can create custom plug-ins such as custom workflow actions, plug-ins to run when a page is rendered, plug-ins to store multi-locale text strings and plug-ins to run when a file is uploaded. You can use the Digital Data Connector DDC for HCL Portal framework to integrate data from external data sources on your portal pages by using HCL Web Content Manager presentation components.

External data means that the data does not need to be stored directly in HCL Web Content Manager. For example, you can use DDC to render social data that you have on your HCL Connections server or on other social platforms in the context of your portal pages.

Other possible data sources include news feeds, task lists, product catalog information, to name just a few. To determine the current web content context of a portal page or Web Content Viewer portlet, you can use the WCM Page Context Service.

This service provides the ID of the currently rendered item of a page or portlet. Application developers can use Representational State Transfer REST services to work with Web Content Manager.

The REST service for Web Content Manager provides authoring access to content items and elements. The API design for version 2.

You display data from external sources, such as SQL databases, by using the same methods as you would when you create a website.

We create a Sample collection resource aggregator by deploying Free sample packs CloudFormation collectuon with Sample collection resource aggregator following command:. Private Git aggretator to store, manage, and track code. We will proceed aggrgeator this setup in our example. Solutions for each phase of the security and resilience life cycle. Fully managed environment for developing, deploying and scaling apps. The following table shows the results of applying selected reducers:. Reducers A reducer is a function that is applied to the values across a set of time series to produce a single value.

By Tugis

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