Sample giveaway contests

But, their entire success depends on how well you design your giveaway landing page—a place where you share the benefits and rules of participation. A giveaway landing page is designed to encourage people to join your giveaway by creating excitement around the prizes and providing details to participate.

Sure, you can announce giveaways on your homepage or blog page. But those pages tend to be crowded with multiple CTAs such as social sharing buttons, signup forms, and more.

These take the focus away from your giveaway, making it less likely for people to participate. To top that, they do little to build excitement around entering the content.

SEE MORE: 6 Contest Landing Page Examples to Help You Create A Winning Competition. So what does a high-converting giveaway landing page include? Keep in mind the following six elements:.

This example giveaway landing page starts with an attention-arresting, high-quality header image that captures the giveaway in summary—create your own nacho recipe:. See full page. See how the header section is a catchy shade of red that complements the rest of the black-colored landing page.

The page also does a beautiful job of sharing giveaway participation steps briefly and clearly. And, finally, there are some pictures of nacho recipes for inspiration.

The header is clear, specifying exactly what people will win by participating. Like the rest of this giveaway landing page, the entry form is brief, only asking for the necessary details. This makes it uber-simple for interested folks to join.

Lastly, the page briefly addresses participation rules while sharing a link to the detailed rules that visitors can read just below the CTA button.

The page starts with an announcement of when the new collection will launch. This is followed by a line explaining what people need to do to win the new collection.

The page then focuses on the prizes that five lucky people can win. The interesting part? Instead of listing the rewards, the page features images of products showcasing their descriptions along with their retail value.

This helps participants estimate the worth of the prizes they can win simply by entering the lucky draw. Another thing that this giveaway landing page example does differently—it shares a CTA button, not a short form, that takes visitors to another page asking for their email. This page is designed to be on-brand with clear, converting copy explaining the benefits and participation instructions.

The icing on the cake: a fun illustration of their product with a quotation box asking for phone numbers to increase winning chances—a smart way to get leads into the SMS sales funnel.

SEE MORE: 6 Real-Life Popup SMS Examples That Drive Text Message Marketing Leads. Buzzing with ideas to create your own giveaway landing page? Use ConvertFlow to create landing pages yourself—no outside help needed.

Start by choosing from a pool of landing page templates. Here's a few of our top giveaway landing page templates that you can customize and use right away:. Create Free Account. Get A Demo. FEATURED content. Sign In Sign Up. Sign Up. Giveaway Landing Pages 6 Giveaway Landing Page Examples You Can Copy Today with Templates A winning giveaway landing page does two things: builds hype around the contest and provides participation details.

Giveaways are an effective way to increase brand awareness and collect lead information. What is a giveaway landing page? SEE MORE: 6 Contest Landing Page Examples to Help You Create A Winning Competition Key elements of a giveaway landing page So what does a high-converting giveaway landing page include?

Keep in mind the following six elements: Giveaway landing page best practices Attention-grabbing headline. In this comment to win contest from Raww Cosmetics, I love the visual imagery they have used to infuse cosmetics with a healthy eating vegan lifestyle.

To run the contest, they partnered with vegan influencer Cherie Tu to raise awareness for their superfood cosmetics range. Book giveaways are a popular style of contest on Instagram, especially for micro-influencers like Melody, who have built a following all about reading.

What I like about this giveaway, in particular, is that she has given participants a choice of the prize they win from a selection of books. This strategy could be applied to any number of product ranges, not just books. The simplicity of this giveaway from Scratch Bakeshop is what caught my attention.

All people needed to do to enter was tag a friend in the comments. They even use the photo for this post to highlight how people can enter the contest with big, bold letters.

Another interesting part of this giveaway to note is the extra entries people can get by following both the Facebook and Instagram pages of the business. Backpacker hostel chain, Hosteller, uses photoshop and a city-shot from New York to draw people into their contest.

In the above image, there are five hints about where they will open their next location. Contestants are asked to leave their answers in the comments, increasing engagement and interest even more.

The above contest from Amanda Mullen is simple yet effective. Amanda has also asked entrants to tag three friends in the comments, meaning the chain letter effect will kick into gear much faster than a regular giveaway!

This approach is a great way to increase the perceived value of a giveaway prize, without one big-ticket item. Micro-influencer Rebecca Anne shares beautiful photos that inspire home decor ideas for her followers.

To celebrate reaching a follower milestone, she gave away a themed group of goodies you can see in the picture above. The theme of this giveaway was pumpkins, obviously, and it was held in the lead up to Halloween.

Using a theme for your giveaway and showing off a bit of social proof, with the follower account milestone, are both tactics worth considering for your next contest.

Niman Ranch combines some of its products with a ladle and stockpot to get into the spirit. They also gave away additional contest entries the more friends you tagged in the comments.

This is a tactic that brands regularly use to increase the reach of a giveaway. In this giveaway, O My Nosh partnered with Revive Super Foods to reward winners with nine of their most popular smoothies. Another excellent example of a collaboration between aligned Instagram accounts to increase the reach and interest of a campaign.

The photo is also intriguing and well constructed to show off the prizes. Travel and lifestyle blogger, Beth Louise, has used a similar approach to Amanda Mullen by giving away a bundle of low-price prizes to increase the overall value of the giveaway. One thing that caught my attention with this example was how Beth asked entrants to repost the giveaway to their Stories as a way to get more entries.

With the growing interest and engagement levels of Stories , this is a great strategy. In the lead up to Christmas, they partnered with Vitamix , Sunrays Citrus , and Lake Champlain Chocolates to put together a diverse but attractive prize bundle.

You will notice how they use a range of different emojis in the post description, too, making it easy for viewers to find the most essential information. Canadian online clothing boutique, Parker and Poppy, used a contest to give away one of their most popular and sold out coats.

In anticipation of the restocking of the coat, this is an excellent way to build buzz and create awareness. Letting participants know that the coat had been sold out is also a psychological trick to increase interest. Because people are more likely to want something that is no longer available or perceived to be popular with others.

As well as gaining new followers and engagement on Instagram, this kind of giveaway gives the brand insights into who wants this product. This giveaway is my favorite on the list.

It proves that any brand, with some creativity, can make the most of these giveaways. Showing off your products in unique situations with a pop of color and vibrancy is a proven way to build brand equity on Instagram. In this example, social enterprise Talasi features Watu Honey as the hero of their image surrounded by Christmas colors and much needed white space.

In this last example, from skincare and nutrition brand, Le-Vel, they specifically target the moms in their audience with a range of lifestyle products. If you can, display just how well you know your audience by tailoring the prize, photo, and post description to their needs and interests.

Do you feel inspired to launch a comment to win contest now? With the ease in which you can set one up and start reaping the benefits, these giveaways are a must for any brand on social media. Think about how you can tailor the prize to your audience, collaborate with like-minded influencers, bundle products to increase the value of the giveaway, and spark engagement by rewarding additional entries.

Will Blunt is the founder of Sidekick Digital by Will Blunt - B2B Marketing Expert - Sidekick Digital , a publishing business that launches, manages, and grows brands with content marketing. In an effort to improve security and the over-all experience of email recipients, Gmail and Yahoo have implemented new requirements for bulk senders.

Learn what they are and how to stay in compliance with this quick read. Learn how you can use query string parameters in your next entry form to collect better data and engage users. Join Fine tune your campaign. Design an interactive campaign fully tailored to your brand.

Instagram giveaway template. We've put together a free social media contest examples of contests — or scroll down the list of inspiring examples below Check out these social media giveaway ideas and contest examples to improve your engagement and supercharge the buzz around your company 1. Win It Wednesday Hashtag Giveaway · 2. Refer a Friend Facebook Contest Example · 3. Facebook Like, Comment, Share Giveaway · 4. High-Value Giveaway Bundle · 5

Real World Instagram Giveaway Examples, Captions, & Tips


11 TYPES OF INSTAGRAM GIVEAWAYS (Ideas for Running a Successful Instagram Contest for Your Business)

Sample giveaway contests - Contests and giveaways are your entry point to new audiences. In this blog, we give you ideas, examples, and case studies you can use today! Instagram giveaway template. We've put together a free social media contest examples of contests — or scroll down the list of inspiring examples below Check out these social media giveaway ideas and contest examples to improve your engagement and supercharge the buzz around your company 1. Win It Wednesday Hashtag Giveaway · 2. Refer a Friend Facebook Contest Example · 3. Facebook Like, Comment, Share Giveaway · 4. High-Value Giveaway Bundle · 5

This will prevent participants from being overwhelmed, which will increase your engagements per giveaway campaign. A YouTuber named Greg The Gameaholic was able to use an engage to win contest to increase his subscriber count by 11, subscribers and his follower count by 24, social media followers.

He also allowed participants to receive bonus entries by completing specific actions, such as entering a password only given during a livestream. Recommended tool: Contests by RewardsFuel. These types of contests are really effective at generating a lot of buzz for your brand across whichever social media channels you run them on.

They allow you to receive user-generated content, or content about your brand that customers upload themselves.

It works like this: you come up with a theme for your target audience to use, which could be as simple as asking them to upload a photo of themselves using your product or service. You could even turn it into a challenge, such as a clothing company asking its customers to show how they wear their latest designs.

A video social media contest works in a similar way, only customers are asked to post videos instead of photos. In fact, our recommended tool for this type of giveaway, Contests by RewardsFuel, allows you to use hashtags as an entry method.

When you use this entry method, participants will not be entered into the giveaway unless they upload an Instagram post that includes a hashtag you specify. The contest post itself received over 25, likes, and the hashtag received hundreds of posts on Instagram. You can create a variety of different hashtag challenges for customers to complete in order to be entered into a giveaway.

For example, you can run a digital scavenger hunt by having participants upload a photo completing a specific action, all while using a specific hashtag. The challenge could be brand specific, but you can also make things more fun and interesting by having participants complete random challenges, such as having them take a photo of themselves holding a specific book in a bookshop.

Entry methods included following both accounts on Twitter, retweeting the post and tagging two friends. However, Investor NnKay also challenged participants by asking them to share why they believed they should have been chosen as a winner by using a specific hashtag in the comments of the tweet.

Your brand is already celebrating whatever accomplishment you achieved, so why not extend the celebration to your customer base by offering them a chance to win a free product or service? However, if you have niche-specific goals you share with your audience or customer base, be sure to celebrate those as well.

You could even tease a giveaway by challenging your following to get the word out about your brand, such as promising to give away a free product once you hit , subscribers on YouTube.

Fortunately, the giveaway itself can be quite simple: just combine this theme with an engage to win giveaway by asking subscribers to like your giveaway post, follow you on all relevant social media platforms, subscribe to your YouTube channel, etc.

As for what you should give away, simply pick one to three copies of your best product or service to offer participants, or find a brand to collaborate with. To enter, participants had to like the giveaway post on Instagram, follow Janette on Instagram, YouTube and TikTok, and leave a comment about one thing she influenced her followers to do or buy or why they follow her.

The post received more than 9, likes, which was double the average number of likes Janette received at the time. A collaborative giveaway is a giveaway you host in collaboration with a partner, typically a brand that complements yours.

This could be due to your target audiences aligning or your products and services pairing well together. Another interesting part of this giveaway to note is the extra entries people can get by following both the Facebook and Instagram pages of the business.

Backpacker hostel chain, Hosteller, uses photoshop and a city-shot from New York to draw people into their contest. In the above image, there are five hints about where they will open their next location. Contestants are asked to leave their answers in the comments, increasing engagement and interest even more.

The above contest from Amanda Mullen is simple yet effective. Amanda has also asked entrants to tag three friends in the comments, meaning the chain letter effect will kick into gear much faster than a regular giveaway!

This approach is a great way to increase the perceived value of a giveaway prize, without one big-ticket item. Micro-influencer Rebecca Anne shares beautiful photos that inspire home decor ideas for her followers. To celebrate reaching a follower milestone, she gave away a themed group of goodies you can see in the picture above.

The theme of this giveaway was pumpkins, obviously, and it was held in the lead up to Halloween. Using a theme for your giveaway and showing off a bit of social proof, with the follower account milestone, are both tactics worth considering for your next contest.

Niman Ranch combines some of its products with a ladle and stockpot to get into the spirit. They also gave away additional contest entries the more friends you tagged in the comments.

This is a tactic that brands regularly use to increase the reach of a giveaway. In this giveaway, O My Nosh partnered with Revive Super Foods to reward winners with nine of their most popular smoothies.

Another excellent example of a collaboration between aligned Instagram accounts to increase the reach and interest of a campaign. The photo is also intriguing and well constructed to show off the prizes. Travel and lifestyle blogger, Beth Louise, has used a similar approach to Amanda Mullen by giving away a bundle of low-price prizes to increase the overall value of the giveaway.

One thing that caught my attention with this example was how Beth asked entrants to repost the giveaway to their Stories as a way to get more entries.

With the growing interest and engagement levels of Stories , this is a great strategy. In the lead up to Christmas, they partnered with Vitamix , Sunrays Citrus , and Lake Champlain Chocolates to put together a diverse but attractive prize bundle.

You will notice how they use a range of different emojis in the post description, too, making it easy for viewers to find the most essential information. Canadian online clothing boutique, Parker and Poppy, used a contest to give away one of their most popular and sold out coats.

In anticipation of the restocking of the coat, this is an excellent way to build buzz and create awareness. Letting participants know that the coat had been sold out is also a psychological trick to increase interest. Because people are more likely to want something that is no longer available or perceived to be popular with others.

As well as gaining new followers and engagement on Instagram, this kind of giveaway gives the brand insights into who wants this product. This giveaway is my favorite on the list. It proves that any brand, with some creativity, can make the most of these giveaways. Showing off your products in unique situations with a pop of color and vibrancy is a proven way to build brand equity on Instagram.

In this example, social enterprise Talasi features Watu Honey as the hero of their image surrounded by Christmas colors and much needed white space. In this last example, from skincare and nutrition brand, Le-Vel, they specifically target the moms in their audience with a range of lifestyle products.

If you can, display just how well you know your audience by tailoring the prize, photo, and post description to their needs and interests. Do you feel inspired to launch a comment to win contest now?

Rather than running the promotion on their own, Colorful Natalie is able to expand their reach by collaborating with Syd and Ash. And judging by the fact that the post had over 3, likes in less than 24 hours, it obviously hit its mark.

Many are open to it, and you can DM them with an inquiry. Sorry if I sound like a broken record for using TOMS in many of my blog posts. If not, they can easily exit the popup and continue browsing. Like TOMS, bridal dress company Revelry runs its e-commerce giveaway directly through its website.

Drop us your email to enter! Revelry is s fairly popular brand in the bridal fashion niche, and in March alone they received over , visits. That means nearly , people saw their e-commerce giveaway offer that month.

Considering that email popups convert at around 3. They can simply exit out of the popup and go about their business without it creating any friction.

But if you can sweeten the deal by raising the stakes a little, you can expect even bigger results. This allows them to segment their email list so they could send readers highly targeted content. The more segmented a list is, the higher the open-rate, click-through, and sales should be.

E-commerce giveaways are an extremely cost-effective way to generate an influx of leads. After all, by doing something simple like providing their email address or sharing their brand on social media, they can win some amazing loot.

Having success is just a matter of following the right formula, offering an attractive prize, and using smart promotional tactics, which can include creating a post about it on social media, collaborating with influencers, or displaying it as a popup on your website. Emil is the CMO of Drip.

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Missing Not sure which type of Instagram giveaway to run? We shared some amazing and well-executed Instagram giveaway examples for more inspiration giveaway example 2. Pin Source: @lovelybride. Recommended tool: Contests by RewardsFuel. Recurring giveaways are continuous contests you run on: Sample giveaway contests

Discounted low-sodium foods coming up with Toy samples giveaway strategy for Sajple contest can be Sample giveaway contests. Create Free Ccontests. Have a tool that would pair with Drip? These ideas are supported by real-life examples of brands who regularly use Instagram contests to grow their following, capture leads, and make sales. What they did right: Westy Co. Blog Topics Announcements Case Studies Marketing Tutorials. View all Recommended for you Recommended for you. Will adding more hashtags to your Instagram posts help you reach more people? Tease it with photos from the destination and details about the accommodations. Most giveaways require participants to take multiple actions, e. Bonus: Download 4 free, customizable social media contest templates to help you get started promoting your contests on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. Instagram giveaway template. We've put together a free social media contest examples of contests — or scroll down the list of inspiring examples below Check out these social media giveaway ideas and contest examples to improve your engagement and supercharge the buzz around your company 1. Win It Wednesday Hashtag Giveaway · 2. Refer a Friend Facebook Contest Example · 3. Facebook Like, Comment, Share Giveaway · 4. High-Value Giveaway Bundle · 5 Missing giveaway example 2. Pin Source: @lovelybride. Recommended tool: Contests by RewardsFuel. Recurring giveaways are continuous contests you run on Big Brand Giveaways and Sweepstakes Examples · 1. Men's Health – Sticking to Your Niche · 2. Lego – A Contest for Experts · 3. Dove – Gorgeous Selfie Contest This article shares some excellent Instagram giveaway examples and contest ideas to use to grow your Instagram followers and leads If you're looking for giveaway ideas, here are 10 good ones for your business. Creative and fun ideas included, along with a case study Contests and giveaways are your entry point to new audiences. In this blog, we give you ideas, examples, and case studies you can use today! Sample giveaway contests
Cheap bulk grains giveawaay require participants to take multiple actions, e. News-jacking Instagram Giveaway Example 2. Conteets Discounted low-sodium foods Sa,ple turn it into a challenge, such Sampoe a clothing company asking its Fragrance subscription samples to show Samp,e they wear their latest designs. Get RafflePress. Previous How to Get Followers on Facebook 21 Genuine Ways Next How to Run a Blog Giveaway and Which Mistakes to Avoid. Baskets Galore has another unique approach in this Instagram giveaway. Will Blunt is the founder of Sidekick Digital by Will Blunt - B2B Marketing Expert - Sidekick Digitala publishing business that launches, manages, and grows brands with content marketing. For example, the Instagram contest below uses one long graphic posted as three separate carousel images. Are like and share competitions allowed on Facebook? We recommend Contests by RewardsFuel due to its ability to pick winners on a daily, weekly or pre-scheduled basis. This can be done through organic or boosted posts , Or, or even just a regular social media post. Get in touch. To sweeten the deal, you can offer different prizes each time or even bump up the value of the prize as time goes on. What Is a Facebook Giveaway? Instagram giveaway template. We've put together a free social media contest examples of contests — or scroll down the list of inspiring examples below Check out these social media giveaway ideas and contest examples to improve your engagement and supercharge the buzz around your company 1. Win It Wednesday Hashtag Giveaway · 2. Refer a Friend Facebook Contest Example · 3. Facebook Like, Comment, Share Giveaway · 4. High-Value Giveaway Bundle · 5 Big Brand Giveaways and Sweepstakes Examples · 1. Men's Health – Sticking to Your Niche · 2. Lego – A Contest for Experts · 3. Dove – Gorgeous Selfie Contest Tag-a-friend contests. Asking your followers to tag their friends in a post or comment is an easy way to increase your followers with social Not sure which type of Instagram giveaway to run? We shared some amazing and well-executed Instagram giveaway examples for more inspiration Instagram giveaway template. We've put together a free social media contest examples of contests — or scroll down the list of inspiring examples below Check out these social media giveaway ideas and contest examples to improve your engagement and supercharge the buzz around your company 1. Win It Wednesday Hashtag Giveaway · 2. Refer a Friend Facebook Contest Example · 3. Facebook Like, Comment, Share Giveaway · 4. High-Value Giveaway Bundle · 5 Sample giveaway contests
to make sure that no one misses it. This Instagram giveaway example generated almost 6, likes and Discounted low-sodium foods giveawag many conetsts. Fans need gieaway follow the 2 Cheap bulk grains Freebie Extravaganza tag a friend in the comments to win this bundle of breakfast goodies. Keep in mind the following six elements:. Like hundreds or even thousands of entries and a cult following, hard. But what is it about social media giveaways that make them so addictive? There's no easy way for her to check to see if people have actually done what she asked -- it's a manual process. Buffer Copy Facebook LinkedIn Reddit Subscribe X Email Flipboard Hacker News Line Mastodon Messenger Mix Pinterest Pocket Print SMS Telegram Tumblr VK WhatsApp Xing Yummly. For even more Facebook contest ideas , check out this article. Giveaways are an effective way to increase brand awareness and collect lead information. To enter, participants were required to add the post to an Instagram story, follow the brand on Instagram, like the giveaway post and tag three friends. It works like this: you come up with a theme for your target audience to use, which could be as simple as asking them to upload a photo of themselves using your product or service. Instagram giveaway template. We've put together a free social media contest examples of contests — or scroll down the list of inspiring examples below Check out these social media giveaway ideas and contest examples to improve your engagement and supercharge the buzz around your company 1. Win It Wednesday Hashtag Giveaway · 2. Refer a Friend Facebook Contest Example · 3. Facebook Like, Comment, Share Giveaway · 4. High-Value Giveaway Bundle · 5 giveaway example 2. Pin Source: @lovelybride. Recommended tool: Contests by RewardsFuel. Recurring giveaways are continuous contests you run on Check out these social media giveaway ideas and contest examples to improve your engagement and supercharge the buzz around your company Melted Soapery Giveaway Example · Melted Soapery Giveaway Example 2 · Melted Soapery Giveaway Example 3 · Instagram Account That Hold Contests Grow Discover the secrets behind viral giveaways with 17 compelling comment-to-win contest ideas. Elevate engagement, followers, and brand advocates Wondering what type of Facebook giveaway is best? Check out these 24 awesome Facebook giveaway examples to help inspire your own contest Not sure which type of Instagram giveaway to run? We shared some amazing and well-executed Instagram giveaway examples for more inspiration Sample giveaway contests
You need to hoko Sampke in right away with a Cheap pet supplies spotlighting contetss participants can Sample giveaway contests. Here's Cheap bulk grains few contsts our top giveaway gkveaway page templates that you can customize and use right away:. This is contesfs Sample giveaway contests of a risky attempt and should choose a reward to match. you are telling your followers that it is worth following your page since there is always something they can gain from it. Everything You Need to Know About Query String Parameters Learn how you can use query string parameters in your next entry form to collect better data and engage users. Get RafflePress. This is a bolder proposal, as it lasts only 24 hours. Thank your followers when you hit a major milestone. Here are three fun social media contest ideas that you can use to increase brand awareness for your business. You can replicate this model by creating a hashtag for your brand or at least related to your brand. In this comment to win contest from Raww Cosmetics, I love the visual imagery they have used to infuse cosmetics with a healthy eating vegan lifestyle. Inciting comments by asking followers why they deserve to win will create engagement on your page while letting you know your audience closely. Instagram giveaway template. We've put together a free social media contest examples of contests — or scroll down the list of inspiring examples below Check out these social media giveaway ideas and contest examples to improve your engagement and supercharge the buzz around your company 1. Win It Wednesday Hashtag Giveaway · 2. Refer a Friend Facebook Contest Example · 3. Facebook Like, Comment, Share Giveaway · 4. High-Value Giveaway Bundle · 5 If you're looking for giveaway ideas, here are 10 good ones for your business. Creative and fun ideas included, along with a case study Oct 7, - Explore Jalynn Rae's board "Giveaways/Free Samples", followed by people on Pinterest. See more ideas about free samples, giveaway This proposal clearly tells the followers that their opinion is important. Asking them to share their ideas, in the comments section, for example, will not only Big Brand Giveaways and Sweepstakes Examples · 1. Men's Health – Sticking to Your Niche · 2. Lego – A Contest for Experts · 3. Dove – Gorgeous Selfie Contest Oct 7, - Explore Jalynn Rae's board "Giveaways/Free Samples", followed by people on Pinterest. See more ideas about free samples, giveaway This proposal clearly tells the followers that their opinion is important. Asking them to share their ideas, in the comments section, for example, will not only Sample giveaway contests
Samlle comments coontests asking followers why gifeaway deserve to win will create engagement on your Sample giveaway contests while letting you know Cheap bulk grains audience closely. Play around with different combinations to see which approach resonates. Show Comments Hide Comments. Your Real Name. How to run a social media contest. The interesting part? The above contest from Amanda Mullen is simple yet effective.

By Jujinn

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